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haha, well I already know they are slick when wet! But honestly it's not wet around here very often, so I'll probably just leave them until I can find a friend who has some grip tape scraps from a skateboard that I can have
That'll work. I don't know about L.A., but it has been significantly wetter out here the last few years since late 2009/ early 2010. Now I have to watch the weather forecasts and be careful what I leave outside. Still, probably seems bone dry to someone from Louisiana.
In Louisiana, we get rain all the time, it's a given! But out here, rain is rare. I'm not worried I do have a job offer in Southern Louisiana, but I'm not building my jeep for that, I'm building for the desert, that's where I'm gonna stay
Get a cheap cheese grater/zester, cut off the zesting side and tack weld or tec screw it to the pedal face. If your foot slips off that you're wearing teflon shoes.
Here's the bracket and pivoting 'mechanism' (bolt) for the throttle cable.
The cable sheath will be mounted to the bracket at the back, not quite sure how far down I'll mount it, but probably near the bottom, I'll drill the hole when I figure that out. And then I'll weld on a strip of metal with various holes in it (for adjustment) on the end of the bolt head. The cable itself will attach to the bottom of the strip, and a short piece of metal or a small chain will attach the top part of the strip to the actual throttle lever (which needs to be pulled forward to open it up)
Got the alternator installed! Used a 'universal' upper arm, drilled a new mounting hole and cut it off shorter so that it fit. I may re-drill the mounting hole on the upper arm an inch farther in or so, to have the arm stick out a bit less, but I'll wait until I see how it is with the fenders and MB headlights in there, if it's not in the way of anything, then I'll leave it.
Had to make a few trips to the parts store to get the right size belt, but it's a perfect length now.