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Got the turbo mounted! I got all the exhaust fitted and welded up, until the flange that splits the exhaust into two parts (at the transmission). After that, it'll be a long straight piece of pipe, muffler, then a few 45 degree pieces to take it out the back over the axle, that should be easy, there's plenty of space back there.
Welds don't look super, hopefully they don't leak! I already tacked up a few in the manifold adapter that look like there might be pin hole leaks, which unfortunately just makes them look even worse haha!
I spent about 2 hours looking for the second half of the flange to split the exhaust in two, but I can't find it! So I guess I'll order another, so I just gave it a rest for the night, I'll finish up the rest of the exhaust soon. I'm wheeling the TJ next weekend, so probably two weekends from now.
A friend let me borrow a fun lens, so I took some fuzzy shots with it
The 11" drums for the front arrived a few days ago, and the air intake parts will be here in a few days. I need to get an adapter for the oil feed line to the turbo, after that I THINK it's all just wiring and some heat shielding. I nee dot double check my big list, and cross off all the stuff I've finished.
Made the oil drain pipe for the turbo tonight, the last 3 inches will be soft line. It kinked a little bit while I was bending it, but I took the best two bends, cut them off and welded them up. I have to get the line around the exhaust down pipe and over to the block, this fits pretty darn good.
Since it has to go just inches from the exhaust pipe, I decided to make as much of it hard line as possible. Couldn't think of a good way to get the hard line to attach directly to the spare dipstick tube in the block, so I"ll just clamp on a soft line for the last few inches and put some heat shielding around it.
Well... I'm gonna try it with no intercooler first. If I end up wanting to tune it more aggressively then I may look into that. I could always re-mount the turbo at a different angle to be better for an intercooler.
If I get the power I want with no problems, then I'll just leave it with no intercooler, I'd rather not have a bright shiny intercooler behind the grill, but if things get to hot and I still want a bit more power then I'll do it. Although I suppose I could paint the intercooler black, or get a black one?
So, I got the intake silicone tubing all clamped up! All accept for the actual intake that goes to the turbo, I've not decided what I want to do with that yet, I was pondering the idea of running it through the firewall and picking up from under the dash, but I think at least temporarily, I'll just run it over to the passenger side of the engine and stick a filter there.
I primed the turbo as best I could (oil in the actual turbo oil inlet, as well as filling up the feed tube before bolting the banjo bolt back down), and fired kit up to let it idle for a few minutes. It's actually alot more quiet on the exhaust than I would have guessed. I may not run a muffler, just straight pipe all the way back. After I let it idle for a bit, I blipped the throttle a few times, the turbo sounds pretty freaking cool :-D I hope I can hear it when the hood and fender are in place and I'm driving.
I goofed up a little bit, while trying to take the cap off of the fuel screw (rack adjustment?) I inadvertently unscrewed the screw it self! And I'm not quite sure how much I unscrewed it. So... how do I get back to where it was from the factory? My plan was to back it out two full turns, and start from there. Well, I kinda blew that. LOL!
I'm offroading this weekend in the TJ, so I can't mess with it this weekend, I'll get back to it next weekend.
Oh, and pay no attention to all the old wiring, that will all be redone. I'm starting to second guess my choice for the white heat shielding sheaths, it's rated pretty high for heat (at least 1000 degrees), but I don't like how the ends look, they just look frayed, maybe I'll try a metal tie on the ends, see if that cleans it up a bit, but I have my doubts. Maybe I'll replace it with black heat sheaths?
Looks good. An old trick for a hub socket is to use a piece of exhaust tubing and massage it into shape. The studs can either be driven out with a press, big vice or bfh if things get ugly. I have to say the quality of your photos is amazing. You could probably shoot the inside of a dumpster and have it look good.
Got the studs pressed out of the first drum, and new studs for both sides on order. Man, these stud were in there good! I let some PbBlaster soak for a day or so, then went to the press, the back side of the drum isn't exactly flat, it's got that ridge in it all the way around, so I couldn't get an impact socket on there real good and flat because the back side of the studs went all the way almost up to that ridge.
So, I just took a piece of DOM tube with a thick wall, and used that as the backing. The drums are a bit bent unfortunately (I was hoping to save them and sell or give them to someone looking for original brakes) but it looks like the hub itself is fine.
It took alot of force to break them free, most of them went BANG! First one scared the crap out of me and left my ears ringing haha! So I grabbed my shooting ear mufflers for the rest of them, haha!