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  • Originally posted by Jason View Post
    Dude! Eye protection is always a must. You only get two. Hope your okay.
    X2 hope you got it flushed out quickly
    Dennis and Tammy
    Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!


    • All is well, no damage. Gave me a bottle of antibiotic drops as a precaution. On the downside noticed a problem with my optic nerve that may put me at higher risk for glaucoma. Need more tests in a couple weeks. Better to catch it early i suppose.

      I had my safety glasses on during the work. I had flipped them up while putting everything away and was messing with the spray bottle which had jammed. Then it un-jammed as i looked down the barrel. Lesson learned, leave the glasses on for the whole time...and don't aim a bottle of acid at your face.

      Crazy day!


      • ouch... I would have them check your wife's vision too... it must be off since she married you...


        • Woah man! That must have been close! I'm usually very careful with my eyes, being a visual effects artist, my vision is my livelihood. Glad it wasn't serious, scary though!

          As odd as it sounds, sometimes your eyes can be surprisingly resilient. When I was in grade school (like 5th grade or something) I was shot in the eye with a BB gun. I've got a rip in my iris in the right eye because of it. But oddly enough, my vision in that eye is REALLY good, like much better than normal, and better than my left eye. I get headaches when I'm outside without sunglasses (or at night driving with oncoming headlights for long trips) because that eye lets in more light. And I also get a bit of glare in that eye. But thankfully it didn't make me go blind in one eye. Crazy!
          [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
 - -


          • Goober. You're supposed to do that with your eyes closed...
            I searched and searched but cant find the filter/separators I know I have. I'll keep looking though, cuz now I want to know where the Hell they are!
            [CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
            [/COLOR]Join the Resistance...


            • Glad you're okay, Jonah. Hope you don't get glaucoma. I might have a similar issue with the pressure and nerve.

              Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
              As odd as it sounds, sometimes your eyes can be surprisingly resilient. When I was in grade school (like 5th grade or something) I was shot in the eye with a BB gun. I've got a rip in my iris in the right eye because of it. But oddly enough, my vision in that eye is REALLY good, like much better than normal, and better than my left eye. I get headaches when I'm outside without sunglasses (or at night driving with oncoming headlights for long trips) because that eye lets in more light. And I also get a bit of glare in that eye. But thankfully it didn't make me go blind in one eye. Crazy!
              Got a friend whose iris got torn by a BB gun too. Sounds like a very similar situation, but I don't think his vision is actually better--just more light sensitive in that eye.

              A local young man recently got a marlin hook through his eye. Long story--his dad was using it to fish up a dropped well pipe or something. Well the kid had his eye on the well at the wrong time and the hook came up and went into the outside corner of his eye (possibly through the socket?), through his eyeball, and exited by the bridge of his nose. The doctors were insistent on removing the eye, saying it was gone, and there wasn't anything in there to see with, etc. Well the kid and his family--people of faith, I'm told--decided to wait and see what happened. Last I heard (Sunday) he could see out of it again, and his vision seemed to be returning steadily. Not sure if this has more to do with the resilience of the eye or divine intervention, but since this thread has temporarily digressed, I thought I'd run with it.
              holes = cowbell


              • Originally posted by vwtipeii View Post
                ouch... I would have them check your wife's vision too... it must be off since she married you...
                Hey, it isn't what is on the outside that counts. It is what's inside...

                the trousers that is.


                • Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
                  Woah man! That must have been close! I'm usually very careful with my eyes, being a visual effects artist, my vision is my livelihood. Glad it wasn't serious, scary though!
                  Yeah, I am pretty dependent on my eyes. Especially the left one which is my shooting eye which of course the one that got hit. Definitely a moment of freakout while running to the sink to wash that sucker out.

                  Goober. You're supposed to do that with your eyes closed...
                  I searched and searched but cant find the filter/separators I know I have. I'll keep looking though, cuz now I want to know where the Hell they are!
                  All of my safety glasses are so scratched up I might as well go eyes closed. I better go get some new ones. No worries on the filter/separator, I won't be working on the jeep much for the next week or two.

                  Thanks for all all the well wishes. Definitely a scary moment and a good reminder to be careful in the shop. It is easy to get careless in there and it only takes a fraction of a second to do some damage.


                  • when I'm doing woodworking, I've switched to using ski goggles (clear ones). They don't seem to fog up as much as regular safety glasses. Granted, they aren't "safety goggles", but for wood working, they work just fine.
                    [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
           - -


                    • Originally posted by inVERt'D View Post
                      Glad you're okay, Jonah. Hope you don't get glaucoma. I might have a similar issue with the pressure and nerve.

                      Got a friend whose iris got torn by a BB gun too. Sounds like a very similar situation, but I don't think his vision is actually better--just more light sensitive in that eye.

                      A local young man recently got a marlin hook through his eye. Long story--his dad was using it to fish up a dropped well pipe or something. Well the kid had his eye on the well at the wrong time and the hook came up and went into the outside corner of his eye (possibly through the socket?), through his eyeball, and exited by the bridge of his nose. The doctors were insistent on removing the eye, saying it was gone, and there wasn't anything in there to see with, etc. Well the kid and his family--people of faith, I'm told--decided to wait and see what happened. Last I heard (Sunday) he could see out of it again, and his vision seemed to be returning steadily. Not sure if this has more to do with the resilience of the eye or divine intervention, but since this thread has temporarily digressed, I thought I'd run with it.

                      Yeah, my pressure is on the high side but still in the acceptable range. I think it will be fine, she just wants to make sure there aren't any problems. And even if it is bad, it is best to catch it early and treat it which is pretty effective. So I suppose it is a blessing in disguise that I shot acid in my eye.

                      That fish hook story gives me the chills, ouch!


                      • Originally posted by daniel_buck View Post
                        when I'm doing woodworking, I've switched to using ski goggles (clear ones). They don't seem to fog up as much as regular safety glasses. Granted, they aren't "safety goggles", but for wood working, they work just fine.
                        I would think those lenses are pretty tough and may offer better protection in some cases. I have had stuff sneak in under my regular glasses before so I try to get glasses that fit pretty tights to the face. Maybe I should just wear a full face helmet everywhere I go!


                        • That's what I like about the ski goggles, they have a soft foam border around them, so it conforms to your face nicely. Keeps the sawdust out of your eyes. I probably wouldn't want to use them for anything that's hot though, like working with metal.
                          [COLOR="#FF0000"]R[/COLOR]edneck [COLOR="#FF0000"]D[/COLOR]riveway [COLOR="#FF0000"]F[/COLOR]ab
                 - -


                          • I believe glaucoma and high blood pressure go hand in hand. How's the latter?
                            Getting stuff in your eyes sometimes just happens. Last year at this time, I was getting into my mother's car and she turned on the A/C and something flew into my eye. Finally the next day the discomfort was so bad, I made an appt w/my Optometrist and was told that I need to go see an Ophthalmologist. WTH???? After some really cool peek in your eye stuff, he dug out a piece o' metal. Had to wear patch for a few days. Try walking around with only one eye working. I found the left side of each doorway I walked through for a day or two.
                            The doc also mentioned Glaucoma to me as well so more tests. After one test where you stick your head in a bubble/ball looking thing and hit a button everytime you see a small light, I was asked if I ever had a stroke. WTH???? again. No doc, I had brain surgery remember, I told you that. Oh. That would expain why you have a blind spot in the upper left hand side of your sight.
                            Don't tell wife that or that's where the frying pan will come from.

                            I also need new shop glasses as mine are scratched up and pretty much worthless. You're right, closing my eyes would be about the same.


                            • Damn, Jonah. In true Jeeper fashion. You finish the job, THEN, go to the doc. Hope your ok. Let us know.

                              Edit, I jump'd in on the thread, where you posted the injury. Glad your ok.

                              Glaucoma, Now you qualify for a Medical Marijuana Card. Happy self medicating.
                              Last edited by Tumbleweed13; 10-03-12, 02:01 PM.
                              It was like that when I got here.


                              • Have been considering buying a face shield. I try to keep my head out of the plane of the wheel, but I still shower my face in sparks on a regular basis. Doesn't help that I've been going without a guard on my grinder lately. Getting hit in the face with disintegrating grinding and cutting wheels is not fun. I've read about an old guy who caught a fragment in the carotid artery (neck), and died. Another bled to death after a shattered wheel severed his femoral artery (leg).

                                Many years ago I was cleaning an intake manifold with break cleaner (was just dusty) and a bunch came back and hit me in the eyes. They felt like they were on fire! I groped my way out of my garage and was helped to the sink of a neighbor to wash my eyes out. I knew better, but that incident really drove the point home to wear safety glasses. Now that I think about it, a few years prior to that I'd been cleaning a machine as it was running with a carb cleaner-soaked rag. Rag got caught in a belt and pulley, which squeezed the B-12 right out and flung it into my eyes. Good times!
                                holes = cowbell

