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oh and one more thing i notice u still havent finished your steering setup. i dont know if u have got it planned out or not but there is a guy on naxja (freerider 15) who is doing a sick build and is running the same setup as u are. maybe take a glance at it to get an idea. his build is titled " just another xj on tons, coilovers,etc."
it was at 6'' with 35s, just trimmed a ton of fender, yep ive seen that build, its nice, i think im goin with a single ram? and theres a lot more than steering that needs finishing...LOL
Dude wait till you check out the brackets Mikey made up for the shifter.... Mad props to him... I was just scrathing my head trying to figure out how to make those fit and still run a front drive shaft...
Head nut at Outdoorlogic
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Cool pics . . . can't wait to see the final product. You both kinda suck by the way . . . I remember back in 2007 when I got my Jeep, I looked at your Jeeps and drooled . . . yeah now that my Jeep is getting there, you go and do this . . . :poop:
Looks GREAT!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
can't wait to check it out, jeep is no longer in my back yard, i always planned on taking it somewhere to get the sheet metal work done, and it just so happend that jimmy got his shop, so it's gonna get finished up over there, and the work so far is top notch, AND LET ME TELL YA THERES A BIT MORE THAN SHEET METAL WORK GOIN ON.....,,THANKS JIMMY AND MIKE
Dude wait till you check out the brackets Mikey made up for the shifter.... Mad props to him... I was just scrathing my head trying to figure out how to make those fit and still run a front drive shaft...