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WHEELERS CHOICE* Miller Jeep Trail~ Yellow Jacket~ and Surrounding ** JULY 13th-15th
Thanks, Lorie, for organizing this run. Well done. It was a great time with perfect weather and good company. Here is a Trip Report from the Social Climbers website with some narrative and photos. Hope you enjoy.
Nice report Tom, Great photos. I agree, Yellow Jacket was not the best run of the weekend; my rig's paint is going to need some TLC. I hope Dave and Sandy are doing OK.
I just put on a Yellow jacket clean up run..you should have seen it before...the trail is actually pretty clear..more so than the past years. The pin striping will buff out..It's a Jeep!! :whip:
As for the rollover..I'm so glad everything turned out OK. I sent a PM to Dwight but never heard anything back..
I just put on a Yellow jacket clean up run..you should have seen it before...the trail is actually pretty clear..more so than the past years. The pin striping will buff out..It's a Jeep!! :whip:
As for the rollover..I'm so glad everything turned out OK. I sent a PM to Dwight but never heard anything back..
Hitting up Big Bear this weekend.
Was fun! See ya'll next time!
Are you trying to reach the guys that rolled? Dave and Sandy rolled his screen name is "White Ghost"
Big bear should be warm this weekend I have some friends headed up there as well I think they are at Pine Falts. I'm on my way to up to Bishop and Coyote Flats for some scenic light 4x trails.
I was trying to get details from anyone after it happened...saw the report and pics..always sad to see a jeep looking like a dead bug upside down. Glad they're ok..
Have a great time..I'd give my right hand to be in the dirt right now.
great meeting several of you for the first time. I hope to actually wheel with you one day... but drinking under the stars (even though you are all liars about seeing as many shooting stars as you said you did) was quite fun!
great meeting several of you for the first time. I hope to actually wheel with you one day... but drinking under the stars (even though you are all liars about seeing as many shooting stars as you said you did) was quite fun!