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I would love to go but have to wait untill after May 30 to get vac time. As the people I work for are cruel and unusual.
Also if I went over Mothers day my kids mother would probably leave me. Wait the Jeep will be with me damn the Vacation time. But would consider later date.
No Dave, we haven't set one yet. Looks like most of the folks here arn't available for the first week in May like we did this year. I'm open to a later date. If someone can come up with a week that makes sense post it. I'll get the time off.:yay:
Well..........EJS is from April 3 through 11, I dont want to be there
for that traffic jam. How about later in April, the closer summer
gets, the tougher time off becomes
Still a bit cold??? That didn't stop you last year. Just turn the little
blue-red knob into the red, it works wonders. Something my
Cruiser never had. June could work, but is busy due to the round
trip to Montana to pick up Hannah for the summer. I do however
drive right through Utah, hmmm.......June could be nice.
i want to go and play over there as long as i have my jeep in 100% working order... count me in! i have quite a few projects on the table, but i'm sure they will all be in order by june.
Try this in a week old Jeep. Don't take this the wrong way, I
got it to wheel first, and everything else comes second. The main
thing to remember when wheeling is don't over do it. If you don't
want to try something, or think its not in your or your Jeeps best
interest, then DON'T DO IT! Who cares if everybody thinks you're
a "insert favorite put down". The fact is, when you do F*&% Up
and need to repair the Jeep, nobody is going to hand you a bunch
of cash just because you did something cool. Me, I'm in it for the
Adrenaline and Heart Stopping thrills. Come to Moab this year, a
stock Jeep is not a good enough excuse to not go. If you need
help, or advice, there will be someone to spot you.