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My Jeep Rocks Eighth Annual IDTT Renunion Run 3/30 - 4/1
Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP
Uhhgg!! I'm going the weekend before with another big group! I'm a maybe...unless I get wrangled into it
Wranglered into it ? After you see how many people are going to this cool annual event Lori...You will be there...LOL...I know I will be going as always.
We will have at least one that I know of...my girlfriend. She takes her test on the 18th and is ready. Hmmm, I wonder who the first VE is that will be grading her test...LOL