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Finally; the build begins...

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  • #16
    Well with all of the voices of concern, experience and reason... I have decided (much to the misses joy as her engagement ring fund grew slightly) that I will not be locking the D35. I'm only going to put the lunchbox up front with the Super 35 rear and the 4:11s. This should be a decent set up for me and still give me a good bit of challenge while trying to run around on some more difficult runs. I think I will wait for a deal on something later to redo the rear end again, or just get an LJ that is already built and be done with it, keeping the YJ as a Grocery Getter.


    • #17
      I've been running 33s for a few years on my D35 without breakage. I've run quite a few of the "tough" (not hardcore) trails in SoCal without any issues. I would not lock it though. I have a 44 for that, I just need time/money to finish building it and put that thing in my heap.
      If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?

      Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


      • #18
        Well... I keep putting the build off because I keep wanting to go wheel! Errrrr... Anyone have a cure/aid for this issue?
        USMC F&AM


        • #19
          Build it fast! There's nothing like HAVING to get a gear change done in time to drive it to work. (Been there, done that) Same should apply for having to get it done to go wheeling.
          God forgives, rocks don't
          -sons of thunder


          • #20
            I did a gear change and set up in 2 hours and drove it to work that day. It can be done with the right tools and knowledge.
            It's not leaking it's marking its territory.


            • #21
              Ya I'm one of those guys that works at things very slow and methodically. I'm trying to really take my time, do the work right, probably learn a little, and mostly make it look alot better than it does right now through out each stage of the build... I suppose I'll just have to bite the bullet and go without for a month or so. Man, times like these I don't see how guys like Chuck went without for over a year... Might as well be a Priest.
              USMC F&AM


              • #22
                Chuck was casterated. That's how he did it

                But they grew back bigger!!!
                SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
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                Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                Eagle Scout


                • #23
                  Ahahaha. That's hilarious! I just choked on my lunch now. Thanks Roger.
                  USMC F&AM


                  • #24
                    Its so hot in AZ right now. This is the best time to do your build. How are you still wheel'n in the summer?
                    It was like that when I got here.


                    • #25
                      I'm doing alot of night runs It's pretty nice to run from 9p to XXa then drive home with no doors, top, etc and it still be 90.
                      USMC F&AM


                      • #26
                        Chris, Tell them that desert people JEEP year round. I remember going out with Scott (avjeepfreak) on 4th of July last year. We never saw another vehicle in the 7 hours we cruised the Ords and Lucerne Valley. Another perfect day in the desert. Good luck with your build up.



                        • #27
                          Thanks! That's what it should be in the summers I guess. I mean, sure it sucks to be in the heat without fancy things like A/C but when you can wheel and wheel and only see the folks you're with... Well, that makes for some much needed peace; unless you don't like the folks you're with haha.
                          USMC F&AM


                          • #28
                            Well... I've finally bit the bullet and parked the Jeep. The interior work begins this week with the drive-line and lift happening next week. Provided I don't run out of funds earlier than expected I'll be locked, loaded, and running again by Labor Day... All depends on how many things I over looked in putting together all my parts. I will try to post up pictures every couple of days with progress and how things are going.
                            USMC F&AM


                            • #29
                              Well I thought I'd get the photos started... I got a little in the mood and pulled the seats to get ready for rhino lining.

                              The day I brought it home, used from a friend... I think it even still had the carpet in it at this point.

                              Then I realized (thanks to Miller Jeep Trail and muffler mod) that I needed to grow up a little... I hit my preteen years.

                              Then I started really having fun and treating it more like what a Jeep should be treated... Just like an unruly teenager. Body Damage occured.

                              My teen slowly learned and started treating me better.

                              As she sits today after my final run, as a stocker, this past Saturday night.

                              Tomorrow we'll be trimming some fat on those front fenders as well beginning to sand down the tub for the Herculiner. I'll try to post pictures as I go. My build won't be near as interesting as some of the others on here, but that's okay... It's my first build, and we all know that it won't be the last
                              USMC F&AM


                              • #30
                                Any plans for some more agressive tires? How about a cage upgrade?

