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I was planning on heading up on the 5th, but I forgot I had already made a committment in the morning and won't be done until noon. Plus the 18 is supposed to be reopened next week, so now I'm looking at the 12th. Still up for it? I'll start a thread....
No thats fine, I actually just remembered that I was going to go to a CA4WDC meeting in Crestline. And hopefully will be putting in an offer on a house the following Saturday I cant wait until I can move up on that mountain!!
What area are yoiu looking at. I am jelous. We have checked out a few cabins up there. I Decided to go to school, and then I am going to purchase, a little reward to myself for getting educated.
Supe 97 TJ, 4" ProComp, 1" BL & MML, RE Adj. Control Arms, Rear 44 ARB. Front ARB. 35" MT/R's, York OBA
Rock-it Man gear, STaK 3 Sp.
I was going to buy a house up there but I could not convince my wife to move. She said her parents would never come to visit us because they don't like driving on windy mountain roads. I said what's the problem?
Anyways, the house I was looking at was on the 38. It was brand new, 2200 sq ft, 3bdrs, 2.5 baths and they only wanted $225,000 for it. I kick myself in the ass everytime I drive by it.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed!!!!
I was going to buy a house up there but I could not convince my wife to move. She said her parents would never come to visit us because they don't like driving on windy mountain roads. I said what's the problem?
Anyways, the house I was looking at was on the 38. It was brand new, 2200 sq ft, 3bdrs, 2.5 baths and they only wanted $225,000 for it. I kick myself in the ass everytime I drive by it.
Jason, you wouldn't be kicking yourself after a few months of commute up and down the hill daily to any kind of a real job.
You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!
I hoping to get a house in San Moritz area, but with the house prices going up I gotta get something soon. I wish I could find a house like that for $225,000.
The commute will have to do, its either commute from the hot desert up and down pass or to cold mountain up and down. I cant stand the desert!!!