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It looks like I may be out too. My friend has duty til 8am and she will not be able to make the 9am meeting time.
I am going to go out to my "usual" desert area - I will most likely camp at Holmes camp or off of Wolf Well road if anyone wants to go play in that area in the evening.
It was a quiet, mild driving day, pleasant, except for the part at Heart Attack Hill...which you will not find my Jeep on anywhere in the near or far future. Uh uh...not me. Discretion was the greater part of valor and I chose to turn and run.
Pics will come as soon as I can find the camera...and find some space on the website. And convince Earthlink that I am not using my site for professional purposes. (for some reason imagestation and I don't get along)
Nice mellow run. Good to see some people again! I had to search for some rocks to play on this time . . . I found some big ones . And got some new body damage to prove it! YAY!
Yes, nice relaxed day of cruising around the desert. Only had to use a strap 3 times (2 of those times were on Chris's heep ).
Good to see everyone again, and meet those who I haven't seen before!
Heart Attack Hill is worse than I remember. I certainly hope someone got a decent pic of me looking skyward at the top. BTW, did that look as bad as it felt? It didn't feel all that good.:confused:
olllllllo <--- If you can read that, roll me over!