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ACTION ALERT: Doran Dr./ Oddessa Cyn Gate Keeper bypass closed off

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  • #91
    Julie! exceptional work. Puts some minds at ease to what it looked like. So now, what agency was involved in this blockade, or could it have been private property owners or something?


    • #92
      Thanks Julie for the excellent work!

      This is what I am thinking. I think I know the solution.

      If they use the same size boulders (placed close together) around the campground area, that would sseverely limit any entrance and egress from the park. Its easier to drive over and through a bypass thats not watched by anyone. If they move the barrier closer, then less usage will occur. Chris even thinks a split rail fence would be a good idea

      Ive been worried that blocking that area was just a bandaid. Entrance can still be made at several other locations for someone who wants it badly enough. I know we cant block every one of them, but we can make a circle of boulders around the camping area.

      I'll call the Regional Parks office back and see if they know who put up the boulders.

      2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
      Rock-ItMan all the way around


      • #93
        Tam, I hear what you are saying, but that area around the camping area is huge! I tried to capture the size in the pictures, but it doesn't quite do it justice. It would take days to get that entire area of campground blocked off from the Doran bypass with boulders. Not to mention, where are ya gonna get all the boulders from? A fence would be a better solution, but who's gonna pay for it?


        • #94
          Originally posted by Desert Jewel View Post
          Tam, I hear what you are saying, but that area around the camping area is huge! I tried to capture the size in the pictures, but it doesn't quite do it justice. It would take days to get that entire area of campground blocked off from the Doran bypass with boulders. Not to mention, where are ya gonna get all the boulders from? A fence would be a better solution, but who's gonna pay for it?
          And who wants to look at it?

          Why can't the off-road community just step up and respect the regulations? That's the cheapest and easiest solution.

          Regarding OHV's in the campground. THe campground has two areas, basically the improved and unimproved. THe unimproved area is to the left of the entrance kiosk and borders the Ghost Town Road and Calico Road. the improved area is past the kiosk and to the right. This is the area of the bypass closure. It is my understanding as a past user of both areas that OHV's are allowed in the unimproved area and can be ridden in and out. Only street licensed vehicles are allowed in the improved area. This issues has been a long time coming. Last year when I calle dto make reservations for this past New Years weekend the lady almost refused to give us a site when she found at we had Jeeps and the reason she gave was people driving in and out of the campground to the Doran bypass. We camped at the F-loop and watched Jeeps drive in and out. The ironic thing was Cal4Wheel had their Raffle Jeep at Calico this New Years.


          • #95
            It seems like the campsite is in a natural wash. A lower area than everywhere else. The trail is up higher and people will actually have to drive down into the wash to access the campsite from the bypass. A ledge sounds like the best approach. A nice little 5ft ledge surrounding the campsite on the north and east side of that wing. Maybe reinforced by cinderblock or something to keep it from washing in when it rains. I'm sure the money to do that can be raised somehow, considering the possible alternatives.
            "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
            -Margaret Thatcher


            • #96
              Originally posted by karstic View Post
              Why can't the off-road community just step up and respect the regulations? That's the cheapest and easiest solution.
              The problem is this is PUBLIC LAND to be used and enjoyed by the public. This blockage/closure is restricting access to established public roads and land. Wouldn't you rather work with the party responsible for closing this to reach a solution that benefits everyone? (Plus, if you've been around long enough, you know that your comment is quite far-fetched.)
              :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


              • #97
                sounds like a liability for the park, we are not just talkiin' jeeps here. if some 13yr old on a quad flips going down a man made ledge somebody is gonna pay for it. the rub here is the same for every trail, the rocks will not keep out the dirtbikes or even most quads... they are just there for the jeeps and FJ's that respect them. We can get rocks/boulders a plenty for that area, but it is gonna take a heck of a lot of work.

                I want to know who needs it done before we get all crazy. if nobody will fess up to blocking the trails, and nobody cares, we should just re-open the route and call it good!

                My Daughter keeps asking me to go jeepin' so I might acctually get to do something, if something needs to be done...
                :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


                • #98
                  Tam has been on the phone for hours now with several different people trying to reach a resolution. Stay tuned for her post up later today.


                  • #99
                    Go Tam!!!!
                    :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:


                    • I dont have any answers yet.

                      Ive been talking to Beverly at the Regional Parks department. They are receptive to what we propose. They are interested in our offer of assistance. We are in the preliminary process of coming to a resolution that will be beneficial to everyone. I dont know where the funding will come from. We may have to have a fund raising event...which would be well worth while.

                      Ill let you know more when I hear from them again.

                      2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
                      Rock-ItMan all the way around


                      • I'd be more than willing to drag those boulders up the hill and place them around the campground. It probably wouldn't solve the problem entirely but it does sound like fun.
                        "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
                        -Margaret Thatcher


                        • Doesn't look like those rocks weigh more than 8000lbs . . .
                          That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                          • I'll race ya. We'll get some boulders of about equal size and strap em on. You go left, I'll go right!

                            HAHA! It's a "drag" race!
                            "The problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."
                            -Margaret Thatcher


                            • Originally posted by sarah View Post
                              The problem is this is PUBLIC LAND to be used and enjoyed by the public. This blockage/closure is restricting access to established public roads and land. Wouldn't you rather work with the party responsible for closing this to reach a solution that benefits everyone? (Plus, if you've been around long enough, you know that your comment is quite far-fetched.)
                              good one sarah. What a turkey.....

                              and those boulders are not that big. They look like rocks.
                              Ford Raptor 6.2l


                              • Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post
                                good one sarah. What a turkey.....

                                and those boulders are not that big. They look like rocks.
                                Why am I a turkey? If people would have respected the signs we wouldn't be where we are right now. The bypass was OPEN until some people were selfish and thought the signs didn't apply to them.

