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Brake caliper can not be swap from side to side (left has to go on the left, right on the right) Never knew that and now my Jeep is down because one of the bolts holding the caliper on is rounding out. All because I had to have hi-steer and WJ Knuckles...
OH man that sucks! Hope there wasn't too much damage to the jeep
03 Rubicon, 6" FT long arms, 35x12.5 MTRs
"Jeep is a kind of vehicle for which you have to buy a $250 security console in order to install and store a $40 CB radio. " --Me.
This is my old neighbor Clint, right before he invested in 5" lift 35's and lockers, he rolled on devils slide, just before dishpan springs... I think it made his mind up about the lockers. His front wheel lifted and without a rear locker he lost traction and well... :oops:
Nothing glamerous here, but the first time I took the Jeep out, I went to the Badlands in Attica, Indiana in November 03. Basically, my friend went through one section of this muddy area, and I decided to take a different one. Naturally the water turned out to be pretty deep, and sloppy on th ebottom. First stuck. Took two vehicles to finally yank me out.
So we went snow camping over this weekend. and my buddy Ian decided to try out his new swampers. His 05 rubicon is very capable and has been trailblazing most of the runs for us that day. He decided to start plowing and see where it would stop him. anyways he found out his snow plow limitation. which is pretty remarkable either way. here's the pics
Then My other buddie decided to follow too hehe.
It's frustrating when you know all the answers, but nobody bothers to ask you the questions
Here I am in "The Pit" in VA, I had gone through it a few days before without a major problem. It had been raining, so I said I wasnt going to hit that whole, but then I listened to my friend on 37"s, heres the turn out:
Here's a "fun" one out in Lawrence Welk, I had just barely unseated the bead on the front tire and was on my way back to pavment to go reseat and air back up (No one had air at the time) when this happened. It took about 5 hours to get the spare on, we couldnt find a suitable place to put the hi lift, and even when we did the ZJ would roll forward. Ended up having to have another guy drive to his house, pick up a floor jack and 4 jack stands to get the SOB up in the air enough to change the tire. Best part was, I blew the spare before the end of the trail and drove off on a wheel.
And finnaly the day my ZJ died. I was playing around at Truckhaven we had hit some decent trails that day, and I had no problems, so I knew somthing was going to happen, sure enough, I goto clime a small hill, stop at the top to make sure no one was on the other side, started down.......then I was upside down.
[COLOR="Wheat"]'04 Rubi[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Wheat"]'88 YJ[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]'94 ZJ RIP FEB 25 2006[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Yellow"]'47 CJ2A [/COLOR] VA, CA, NC, WA, The Country's Fastest Growing 4x4 Club