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Big Bear, Feb 12th

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  • Big Bear, Feb 12th

    All right, next Big Bear run Feb 12th. Meet at Fawnskin fire station at 9am.

    I know, I know, Big Bear again?! :sleep: Just seems like we never get much wheelin' done, in between playing with the Fire Dept Snow Cat, rescuing Xterra's, "puddle" jumping in the creek.....

    Jeri Lyn
    Donate Life - Be a tissue, organ and blood donor

  • #2
    I'm in
    1997 TJ hp44/hp60-a lot of goodies


    • #3
      If my test run this weekend goes well put in as a maybe. Still have to get approval from the wife.

      [sign]nlm mln[/sign]


      • #4
        I am in. I will make sure Paula's sister is on-call that weekend...................
        97 TJ, 4" ProComp, 1" BL & MML, RE Adj. Control Arms, Rear 44 ARB. Front ARB. 35" MT/R's, York OBA
        Rock-it Man gear, STaK 3 Sp.


        • #5
          From the book of Rick:

          Sometime it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission
          1997 TJ hp44/hp60-a lot of goodies


          • #6
            Originally posted by sam 15
            From the book of Rick:

            Sometime it's easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission

            Donate Life - Be a tissue, organ and blood donor


            • #7

              Don't worry about asking the wife for permission to go to BB, just go. Then when she complains about it when you get back, ask for her forgivness.

              A far better solution is to ask her to go with you. If she's not the out doorsie type, she will probably say, "No thanks, but you go ahead". If she is the out doorsie type she will go with you (the more the merrier). If she just doesn't want you to go "just because" that would indicate that there is a hostile take over in progress, which means one of two decisions will be're going to BB for a day on the trails.............or you're going to the mall to trade in all you're pants for dresses!!!!!!!
              1997 TJ hp44/hp60-a lot of goodies


              • #8
                you're going to BB for a day on the trails.............or you're going to the mall to trade in all you're pants for dresses!!!!!!!

                I have been spending a lot of time on the Jeep lately and not my wife. So I can't really pull "I am going and there is no discussion" card.

                [sign]nlm mln[/sign]


                • #9
                  I'm glad you see the humor in this.......for a second I thought you might be offened because I was directly referring to your statement with Jeri Lynn but indirectly putting you out there. It was said with humor in mind. We all know there is a delicate balance between family, jeep, money, marrage and everything else in the mix. Either way, I hope to do some trail time with you when the time is right

                  1997 TJ hp44/hp60-a lot of goodies


                  • #10
                    Which trails do you all plan on running? I think I may tag along for this one.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by sam 15
            're going to BB for a day on the trails.............or you're going to the mall to trade in all you're pants for dresses!!!!!!!
                      I guess my husband should be glad that I am the out doorsie type or I would say that! Nice Joke though!
                      1993 Wrangler Black, 4" ProComp Lift, 33s.
                      Glad to be back in California!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Baja Sixer
                        Which trails do you all plan on running? I think I may tag along for this one.

                        Start at Fawnskin, head up 3N14 and see what the conditions are like as we go. I'm thinking either 3N80 (I think that's the correct number) which is the one we tried with the Xterra's. If that's a no go, head over to Lower Larga and ride that out to the west. All depends what the ground is like when we get there.

                        Donate Life - Be a tissue, organ and blood donor


                        • #13
                          If all goes well on the test ride this weekend I am in. I have a bargining chip, I go to Big Bear, or I don't fix your friend's computer

                          [sign]nlm mln[/sign]


                          • #14
                            that was 3N08..................hopefully its open now


                            • #15
                     mountain?...cough rocks cough is caroleen going to be present>
                              Registered User

