hey i'd like to make it out, get some boarding in, and get out to the snow.
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Big Bear, Feb 12th
Forum Thread First Post
i should make it there by 0930 at the latest, so that would be great ! does anyone know if the 38 is back open, i dont want to drive halfway up again like i did last time and be late....... =) also we did Gold Mtn. last month and could not finish the whole trail, actually got stuck....shhhhhh.....but some trucks on 37's made it to the rock garden and had to turn around...but maybe the snow has melted more......any chance the T's and sweatshirts will be done soon ?
Originally posted by FyrmanJJi should make it there by 0930 at the latest, so that would be great ! does anyone know if the 38 is back open, i dont want to drive halfway up again like i did last time and be late....... =) also we did Gold Mtn. last month and could not finish the whole trail, actually got stuck....shhhhhh.....but some trucks on 37's made it to the rock garden and had to turn around...but maybe the snow has melted more......any chance the T's and sweatshirts will be done soon ?
Nothing new on the status of the 18, though.Donate Life - Be a tissue, organ and blood donor
I think I may miss this one. I will be on a last minute basis. Asume that I am not coming for now.
This is a hard run to pass up........ Stupid School....Way too over ratedSupe
97 TJ, 4" ProComp, 1" BL & MML, RE Adj. Control Arms, Rear 44 ARB. Front ARB. 35" MT/R's, York OBA
Rock-it Man gear, STaK 3 Sp.
Come on Supe......Well I will be there if it doesnt snow......I repeat if it doesnt snow!!!!! And by the way I hope you dont mind Jeri but I got a Toyota tagging along for entertainmentI hope the weathers nice cause.............
Originally posted by hurley37Come on Supe......Well I will be there if it doesnt snow......I repeat if it doesnt snow!!!!! And by the way I hope you dont mind Jeri but I got a Toyota tagging along for entertainmentI hope the weathers nice cause.............
[COLOR=Red]I GOTTA GO WHEELIN'!!!!!!!!!![/COLOR]Forecast is still no snow, just cold. Supe, homework and sleep are overrated! We'll hope to see you there.
I had my oil changed Sat, and now I have oil sprayed all over the engine. Gotta take it back and see what's what. Looks like the oil pan gasket is what's leaking. (and don't give me no crap 'cause I don't change the oil myself!)
And I don't care who tags along...the more the merrier! :shout:
Jeri LynDonate Life - Be a tissue, organ and blood donor
Originally posted by Jeri LynI had my oil changed Sat, and now I have oil sprayed all over the engine. Gotta take it back and see what's what. Looks like the oil pan gasket is what's leaking. (and don't give me no crap 'cause I don't change the oil myself!)
Hwy 18 open
Hwy 18 from Lurcern Valley to Big Bear was open last nite 2-8-5.
[QUOTE=blackZZR]Now they are forcasting snow again
Baw baw baw
cant we get a break to get up there[QUOTE=blackZZR]
Aaawww, the weather can't make up it's mind. Last I checked, heavy rain is forecasted for all of So Cal Late Thursday through Friday, with the snow level above 8,000, but with run off in lower elevations. We'll have to see what really develops!
May have to go on the Calico run with JeepGal, instead.Last edited by Jeri Lyn; 02-10-05, 08:07 AM.Donate Life - Be a tissue, organ and blood donor