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Hi Desert Round-Up - May 25-28, 2012


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  • #31
    Originally posted by Ol Man View Post could not do that two years in a row.
    Oh yes it could! It's been blowing pretty good here the last few days!

    Alaska eh? Have a great time!
    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
    MJR moderator
    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
    Jeep Patrol Leader
    Reforestation Supervisor
    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
    Eagle Scout


    • #32
      I was waiting for someone to mention the W word. Weather! That's the only one mentioned. The other is not allowed. Roger or Scott, if you guys plan on being out and about on Friday morning, if you have signal, give me a call, txt, or even a smoke signal where on the general location you will be. I kind of remember where we were camped last year but since you will be out there on Thursday you might decide on somewhere else.
      Must remember to bring firewood.


      • #33

        I was thinking we should try camp near the base of the hill so as to maybe block the "W" a little for the tents. I will try to also position my trailer as a "W" Block for the tents and trucks with tents

        What do you think??

        BTW, I think the phone will work. If not I will be sure to put a note on the bulletin board. Or call me on the 2m Ham freq. Oh wait, you're not a ham....
        SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
        MJR moderator
        MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
        Jeep Patrol Leader
        Reforestation Supervisor
        Licensed Ham - n6ujm
        Eagle Scout


        • #34
          It looks like I may be bringing my camper. Old white dually, big white camper. Makes a good "W" block.
          Come to the dark side.....
          We have Cookies!


          • #35
            Originally posted by Roger View Post

            I was thinking we should try camp near the base of the hill so as to maybe block the "W" a little for the tents. I will try to also position my trailer as a "W" Block for the tents and trucks with tents

            What do you think??

            BTW, I think the phone will work. If not I will be sure to put a note on the bulletin board. Or call me on the 2m Ham freq. Oh wait, you're not a ham....
            Oh but I am a ham and I like it too. hmm.....ham
            All that works for me. Besides, the W doesn't scare me, R and S does but not W. See video of said truck tent from last year just this time I need to do a better job of securing the tent down. When I pull in, I 'll look towards the right.


            • #36
              Me and my buddies will be Rollin in around 8 or 9 friday night Srry so late guys my bro is drivin from san diego can someone please pm me their # so I can find camp or just give me a little directions from 247???? Please ohhh im a tree climber so ill be bringing firewood too
              Forest service engine crew Arborist Adopt a trail member rock climbing


              • #37
                Originally posted by Roger View Post
                Oh yes it could! It's been blowing pretty good here the last few days!

                Alaska eh? Have a great time!
                Roger, this is a great trip. We are presently in Dawson City, Yukon and the weather is wonderful. We will be back in the high desert mid-July, but then we head to the beach....and then to Lake Powell. Retirement is tough, as you know. Hopefully we can get together in the Fall.


                • #38
                  Looks like I'm going to make this my first trip with the MJR Crew, and it will be my first High Desert roundup since about 1995 (my crowning achievement in 4wheeling - won the potato race that year)! I plan to be out around mid day Friday, but don't really know anyone from the group yet . . . so hopefully I can find a way to meet up with you all!


                  • #39
                    Wicked XJ, go to post #22 in this thread. I have my Ph # in a secret code. But you'll figure it out!
                    SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                    MJR moderator
                    MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                    Jeep Patrol Leader
                    Reforestation Supervisor
                    Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                    Eagle Scout


                    • #40
                      Here is a Photo of my Jeep so those of you I haven't met will know what to look for:

                      Don't forget to bring some firewood! (No wood with nails or pallets allowed on BLM land)

                      I'll try to monitor CB Ch 04 and 146.550 MHz Simplex. My call sign is n6ujm or you can call n6mjr (club call)
                      SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
                      MJR moderator
                      MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
                      Jeep Patrol Leader
                      Reforestation Supervisor
                      Licensed Ham - n6ujm
                      Eagle Scout


                      • #41
                        I'll give you a call when I get out there Roger - hopefully when I see your Jeep, it will be a little more horizontal than the picture! I will be out sometime around 1 or 2. C you all there.


                        • #42
                          Packed and ready to go. See ya noon-ish.
                          Dan, if you if see a silver f-150 flat towing a green/black yj, rolling through your area, that's me.


                          • #43
                            From Roger: Camp is .4 mile down the main road from the kiosk on the left. The MJR banner is at the concrete crossing. Don't cross it. Veer slightly left at the sign.

                            N 34 33'36.7"
                            W 116 46'24.9"
                            :gun:'99 TJ Sport:gun:


                            • #44
                              we have quite the MJR turn out here. Representing! Good times. Polictics aside, glad to have the support.


                              • #45
                                Hope they have a good turn out.
                                This is a good fund raiser for Cal4 over the years.

                                Proud to be an American! Sharetrails/BRC President.
                                Sponsors: BFG, Raceline, Advance Adapters, Currie, T&T Customs.

