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A Trail Discussion...of sorts...


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  • #61
    So, let me get this right...

    If you were on the street, and you saw a person who was obviously drunk and/or drinking and driving, you would not call 911.

    What is the difference?

    2002 TJ on 35s a bit of lift with some stuff
    Rock-ItMan all the way around


    • #62
      I am one of those guys who will sometimes have a beer at lunch. That is my perogative and my right (unless it is known at the onset that this is not allowed). I may only drink half of it or all of it. It is not illegal. I do not believe in drinking while driving. I have seen plenty of idiots on the trails.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Ol Man View Post
        I am one of those guys who will sometimes have a beer at lunch. That is my perogative and my right (unless it is known at the onset that this is not allowed). I may only drink half of it or all of it. It is not illegal. I do not believe in drinking while driving. I have seen plenty of idiots on the trails.
        yeah I am the same way. I go to relax. and grabbing a beer at lunch.

        I dont always do that. but whenever I have done it. it doesn't bother anyone. If it does I will politely put it away. I am a nice guy. I dont wanna be a dick to everyone.
        Ford Raptor 6.2l


        • #64
          Originally posted by Ol Man View Post
          I am one of those guys who will sometimes have a beer at lunch. That is my perogative and my right (unless it is known at the onset that this is not allowed). I may only drink half of it or all of it. It is not illegal. I do not believe in drinking while driving. I have seen plenty of idiots on the trails.
          You are precisely correct that it is your right and perogative to do so. You are also the precise reason that I exercised my right and perogative on organized runs to institute a zero tolerance policy against alcohol.

          Not for the reasons you may suspect however. You are never a problem and never have been. Unfortunately, it's impossible for me as a trail leader to allow you to imbibe responsibly and then police the others off of your example.
          I am Savvy.


          • #65
            Holy cow this thread grew fast!

            The reason I became a paid member of MJR is because of the people. All those I have met, gone on trail runs with, and have become close friends with, have all been just wonderful people. I like the fact that they've all been very responsibe. I like the fact there aren't a bunch of drunks along. I like the fact that everyone cares about the outdoors and our access to it. I like the fact that a number of members give of their time to work on a trail for the benifit of others. I like the fact that so many are involved in the various fights to keep our public lands open.

            Is it too high a price to pay to give up a beer at lunch if it means no one can use it against us?
            SBCO Fire Dept. CERT volunteer
            MJR moderator
            MJR Adopt-a-Trail Crew member
            Jeep Patrol Leader
            Reforestation Supervisor
            Licensed Ham - n6ujm
            Eagle Scout


            • #66
              I just read the entire thread. This is my opinion on this subject and those that have wheeled with me know me well.

              I've had a beer during lunch breaks on trails.
              However, If I feel or sense that the group I'm wheeling with on a particular day might have a problem with my beer on lunch break, I'll have a gatorade/water/soda instead. If I see another Jeeper whom I've wheeled with have a beer on lunch break, I'll have one too.

              IF I'M IN A GROUP/ORGANIZED EVENT WHERE ALCOHOL IS NOT TOLERATED, THEN I WILL NOT HAVE THAT LUNCH BREAK BEER - PERIOD. I think that's just common sense, why do you want to upset anyone in the group?

              Personally, it just depends on the crowd I'm with.

              I don't wheel with people who go off track/ruin trails. I can't stand them. I will not wheel with drunks. Mostly I wheel with MJR and a few responsible others because I am a responsible person and that's what I want around me. I've seen a$$holeson trails and learned to wheel with only a select few.

              Everyone has different feelings on the subject. I'm a responsible person. I go with the flow.

              I also understand "journalists/FS/BLM" taking pictures of even our lunch breaks if they see an open beer can and it makes sense. Whatever they can use to fuel the fire; they will do!

              I don't have a problem leaving the beer at home. Quite honestly, it'll taste a hell of a lot better once you get home anyway - after a long day of wheeling. Go home, take a shower, light the hookah, and have, (not one) but twelve F()cken Beers.

              I will NOT post in this thread again. These are my true feelings on the subject and probably equal feelings of many.

              EDIT: Just for the record, my Avator shows a BLACK LABEL JOHNNY WALKER bottle on the fender of my jeep under snow fall - parked in the backyard of our cabin in Big Bear...SO BACK OFF!

              I See Detroit's in My Future:gun:


              • #67
                Originally posted by MrBash View Post
                EDIT: Just for the record, my Avator shows a BLACK LABEL JOHNNY WALKER bottle on the fender of my jeep under snow fall - parked in the backyard of our cabin in Big Bear...SO BACK OFF!
                lol. I zoomed in on the pic and it shows you are in front of a liquor store in Big Bear.
                Ford Raptor 6.2l


                • #68
                  This reminds me of the Eagles song "GET OVER IT!"


                  • #69
                    I think Ya'll are forgetting something, it's legal to have a drink during a lunch break as long as you do not drink while in a moving motor vehicle and stick with just 1 drink during the lunch break you will stay under the legal blood alcohol limit so no laws are broken period. Do I drink alcohol? NO I do Not Does it bother me that somebody has 1 drink when taking a break during a trail ride? Heck no.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
                      I think Ya'll are forgetting something, it's legal to have a drink during a lunch break as long as you do not drink while in a moving motor vehicle and stick with just 1 drink during the lunch break you will stay under the legal blood alcohol limit so no laws are broken period. Do I drink alcohol? NO I do Not Does it bother me that somebody has 1 drink when taking a break during a trail ride? Heck no.
                      Didn't forget that aspect in the slightest. In fact it's legal to drink more than one at lunch. It's also legal to drive after having more than one.

                      The problem lies in that if you drink during your lunch break in normal life, you will tend to limit your consumption because the likelihood of interaction with local Law Enforcement is a very real possibility.

                      The same curtailment factor is typically not present on 99.9 percent of the trails I've ever been on, so outside of Rich, the vast majority are not inclined to limit their consumption. So again, that places the onus on the rest of the group to keep an eye on things, or become babysitters.
                      I am Savvy.


                      • #71
                        The bottom line.....again, If you do not want to wheel with someone...THEN DO NOT!!!! I have not read one thread on this subject where ANYONE said "screw you, I'll drink and Jeep with you" This is almost like the playground in 3rd grade.....the "rule makers" can always take your ball, and friends, and go play in the other will not offend me.Not ONE person here has fought against the rules, NOT ONE. And yet we have the "moral police" who will decide who gets their picture taken. The biggest A""holes I've ever ran into were young guys in prerunners, flying through the desert, and I'll bet they were SOBER! Just young, dumb, and full of "stuff" Jeep with who you want to.....and do not try to impose your rules on others who are not in your crew. Start playing "cop" with others may leed to a very bad ending.


                        • #72
                          This actually happened on the trail today.

                          We were on ATV patrol in the San Jacinto on and we had stopped for a break at the San Jacinto River. 3 Jeeps pulled up and parked. All 3 drivers exited the Jeeps with koozies in hand. After a minute or so they all noticed the shields on our shirts and quickly hid the koozies. The blue markings on top of the can that were visible above the koozie were pretty distinct. All us volunteers could do was warn them of the dangers and penalties of drinking and driving and warn them that law enforcement was in the area. Their JUSTIFICATION for their actions was that they had stopped for lunch and just popped them open. We moved on down the trail. Not 10 minutes down the trail we stopped and picked up a few blue Natural Light cans that were still cool to the touch with moisture inside. This scene was repeated 3 times before we reached the bottom of the hill.

                          It wasn't bad enough that they were drinking and driving.....they were tossing their empties out the window to avoid any open container problems or probable cause for suspicion if they met with law enforcement.
                          Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by FishPOET View Post
                            This actually happened on the trail today.

                            We were on ATV patrol in the San Jacinto on and we had stopped for a break at the San Jacinto River. 3 Jeeps pulled up and parked. All 3 drivers exited the Jeeps with koozies in hand. After a minute or so they all noticed the shields on our shirts and quickly hid the koozies. The blue markings on top of the can that were visible above the koozie were pretty distinct. All us volunteers could do was warn them of the dangers and penalties of drinking and driving and warn them that law enforcement was in the area. Their JUSTIFICATION for their actions was that they had stopped for lunch and just popped them open. We moved on down the trail. Not 10 minutes down the trail we stopped and picked up a few blue Natural Light cans that were still cool to the touch with moisture inside. This scene was repeated 3 times before we reached the bottom of the hill.

                            It wasn't bad enough that they were drinking and driving.....they were tossing their empties out the window to avoid any open container problems or probable cause for suspicion if they met with law enforcement.
                            did they say "oops". when they saw you?

                            I have'nt wheeled with anyone yet who threw trash out the window.

                            I am glad I dont. Pack it in! :thumbs_up
                            Ford Raptor 6.2l


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by flatpoint View Post
                              The bottom line.....again, If you do not want to wheel with someone...THEN DO NOT!!!! I have not read one thread on this subject where ANYONE said "screw you, I'll drink and Jeep with you" This is almost like the playground in 3rd grade.....the "rule makers" can always take your ball, and friends, and go play in the other will not offend me.Not ONE person here has fought against the rules, NOT ONE. And yet we have the "moral police" who will decide who gets their picture taken. The biggest A""holes I've ever ran into were young guys in prerunners, flying through the desert, and I'll bet they were SOBER! Just young, dumb, and full of "stuff" Jeep with who you want to.....and do not try to impose your rules on others who are not in your crew. Start playing "cop" with others may leed to a very bad ending.

                              x2 good point man.

                              And I am going to the local bar to have a drink.
                              Ford Raptor 6.2l


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post

                                I have'nt wheeled with anyone yet who threw trash out the window.

                                I am glad I dont. Pack it in! :thumbs_up
                                I thoroughly love your hypocrisy.
                                I am Savvy.

