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Liebre Mountain


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  • Trail Report: Liebre Mountain

    Trail Report - Liebre Mtn

    After some MJR folks ran the Dusy Ershim trail, we all headed home by different routes. Sharon and I decided to explore one more trail on the way home. It is a very easy trail that leads up and over Liebre Mountain in the Angeles National Forest.

    From I-5 at the 138 exit, we detoured from the beaten path. To get to the Liebre Mountain Trail, you must travel along the Old Ridge Route for a few miles. For those that are not familiar with the Old Ridge Route, it was the first way built across the Grapevine Pass before the 99 and the I-5 were ever conceived.

    This is the first time that we have explored any part of the Old Ridge Route. The historical markers along the way were intriguing:

    Along this section of the historical route, there are some great views of Pyramid Lake:

    After the Liebre Summit marker, the trail had a turn to the left, up the mountain, that looked like this if approaching from the other direction:

    There are lots of switchbacks:

    That led to an excellent view of the Old Ridge Route:

    After the climb, the trail follows the ridge of Liebre Mtn. This trail has only a few clear views of either side of the valleys that surround it. It is 12 miles of mildly interesting vegetation. It starts out with grasslands, but soon turns to an oak tree bordered trail:

    After that the trail is bordered by low shrubs for several miles:

    The downhill portion that leads back to the paved LA county N2 road is bordered by evergreens:

    Most of the views are of the desert side of the range. The mountain side burned several years ago:

    All-in-all, the trail was too long and had little to offer. It might be more interesting in the spring when there are flowers in bloom, but otherwise I can not recommend this trail.

    I think that I would like to explore the Old Ridge Route some time soon and by-pass the Liebre Mountain trail other than a climb to the overlook.

    All of our pics can be seen at this link:
    Last edited by Mike; 07-24-08, 01:16 AM.

    I have finally stopped drinking for good.
    Now I drink for evil..... :devil:

  • #2
    Old Ridge Route

    I find myself in that area often, really like the old route but it has been closed for some time now. Just past the turn for Liebre Mountain there is a gate that is locked shut. There has been a group trying to help get the work completed to an acceptable level so the AHJ will open this fun route. I have already sneaked passed the gates and checked out the road which is VERY easely passable for any 4WD vehicle, it really irritates me when this happens. Some dumbass rule about some agency knowing what is good for us and at the slightest possiblity of liabilty it is deemed "off limits" the the public and yet you find worse conditions in some other areas which are wonder the state is broke, to many managers.....and not enough doers.....
    John & Kristi


    • #3
      Originally posted by Nipple Twister View Post
      I find myself in that area often, really like the old route but it has been closed for some time now. Just past the turn for Liebre Mountain there is a gate that is locked shut. There has been a group trying to help get the work completed to an acceptable level so the AHJ will open this fun route. I have already sneaked passed the gates and checked out the road which is VERY easely passable for any 4WD vehicle, it really irritates me when this happens. Some dumbass rule about some agency knowing what is good for us and at the slightest possiblity of liabilty it is deemed "off limits" the the public and yet you find worse conditions in some other areas which are wonder the state is broke, to many managers.....and not enough doers.....
      you are an IDIOT!

      95 yj, locked lifted, and ready to rock!


      • #4
        Now calm yourself down....

        .......and take a breath, thank you very much for the personal attack on this message board......I knew there was a reason for not posting here......

        ....I know, lemme guess, state employee right?
        Last edited by Nipple Twister; 07-24-08, 11:34 AM.
        John & Kristi


        • #5
          You never quit do you Mike?

          Wish we had joined you and Sharon but I'm glad I went straight home. Brake caliper came off in my hand. Wouldn't have been pretty on the hill.
          Check out .


          • #6
            Originally posted by Nipple Twister View Post
            I find myself in that area often, really like the old route but it has been closed for some time now. Just past the turn for Liebre Mountain there is a gate that is locked shut. There has been a group trying to help get the work completed to an acceptable level so the AHJ will open this fun route. I have already sneaked passed the gates and checked out the road which is VERY easely passable for any 4WD vehicle, it really irritates me when this happens. Some dumbass rule about some agency knowing what is good for us and at the slightest possiblity of liabilty it is deemed "off limits" the the public and yet you find worse conditions in some other areas which are wonder the state is broke, to many managers.....and not enough doers.....
            In light of this post, as well as your post in the calico thread where you've publicly stated you will illegally trespass on closed land, please tell me why I shouldn't ban you.
            If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


            Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


            • #7
              Originally posted by Materdaddy View Post
              In light of this post, as well as your post in the calico thread where you've publicly stated you will illegally trespass on closed land, please tell me why I shouldn't ban you.
              yeah. :dunno:

              "in the end... the rocks always win."


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nipple Twister View Post
                I have already sneaked passed the gates and checked out the road which is VERY easely passable for any 4WD vehicle, it really irritates me when this happens. ...

                So did you sneak pass the gate driving or hiking?
                Ford Raptor 6.2l


                • #9
                  Ic, ......

         what you feel you must...ban until your heart content .....sheesh.......

                  Question Authority? Always! Its our duty as free americans........

                  blackballed for speaking my mind, nice.....
                  John & Kristi


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nipple Twister View Post
           what you feel you must...ban until your heart content .....sheesh.......

                    Question Authority? Always! Its our duty as free americans........

                    blackballed for speaking my mind, nice.....
                    We all fight extremely hard to keep our trails open. Bypassing LOCKED gates, does nothing for our cause and only shows how selfish some in our own ranks really are. Keep it up and I'm sure they'll keep closing land. Not that you care. Thank you
                    SAVE JOHNSON VALLEY!!! - CLICK HERE
                    Ya Savvy?

                    Motech Performance


                    • #11
                      So quick to assume.....

                      ...but the sign on the gate said nothing about bicycles and dogs........made it gate to gate and saw nothing that was any worse then it was before the storm and yet it is still closed!
                      Can you imagine how those who made that road would feel about it?

                      And the commnets about Calico was about the fact that the access through that area is just as illegal as the barrier that is being tried to keep us from it.....if ya wanna keep your land open sometimes you gotta push and push hard.

                      I do not type well enough to truely express my point of view here, sorry if it appears harsh or unclear, I have been pouring my funds into the offroad community since 1970 and spend every spare minute volunteering my time back to the community for which I reside as well as others so I am well aware of the realities and struggles which face us all......
                      John & Kristi


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Nipple Twister View Post
                        ...but the sign on the gate said nothing about bicycles and dogs........made it gate to gate and saw nothing that was any worse then it was before the storm and yet it is still closed!
                        Can you imagine how those who made that road would feel about it?
                        Ok, explain to the person or organization who is trying to keep it closed (for whatever reason) what "have already sneaked passed the gates..." means. A quick phone call to the Old Ridge Route Organization yielded the response that beyond the gate is CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC. Please explain how your bicycle or dog went past the gate and told you that it is very passable. Is the dog riding the bicycle?

                        And the commnets about Calico was about the fact that the access through that area is just as illegal as the barrier that is being tried to keep us from it.....if ya wanna keep your land open sometimes you gotta push and push hard.
                        Let me quote your response: "
                        Blah blah blah.....
                        Open country rule takes over here......I've seen the rock barriers....move them, go around and go brainer.....Pour as many rocks as you like to make it over whatever you like without some Jeep Club whinning about making it too easy, do what ya have to .....they can move them out just as easy as you moved them in....."

                        Their land is their land. If they want to put up rocks to keep you out that's their business. Do you drive through some ones fenced front yard because its easier to get to your house. If you want to push for land access, do so. Sneaking past gates and rock barriers isn't the way to do it.

                        I do not type well enough to truely express my point of view here, sorry if it appears harsh or unclear, I have been pouring my funds into the offroad community since 1970 and spend every spare minute volunteering my time back to the community for which I reside as well as others so I am well aware of the realities and struggles which face us all.....
                        I suggest you take a typing class, or maybe think before you type. That's great that you pour money into the community, maybe its time to stop spending money and start spending time. If you understood and were aware of the realities and struggles we face in the fight to keep our land open, then I would keep your mouth shut when it comes to stuff that may be construed as illegal.

                        Our words and images have been used against us before and it will happen again.

                        Last edited by Dukes69; 07-24-08, 06:43 PM.
                        SAVE JOHNSON VALLEY!!! - CLICK HERE
                        Ya Savvy?

                        Motech Performance


                        • #13
                          John & Kristi


                          • #14
                            Do you drive through some ones fenced front yard because its easier to get to your house.

                            I liked this one. :gun:

                            Anyways will they ever open up this route. I see Rat posting about cleanups and repairs. But is there a scheduled date for it to open.
                            Ford Raptor 6.2l


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post
                              Do you drive through some ones fenced front yard because its easier to get to your house.

                              I liked this one. :gun:

                              Anyways will they ever open up this route. I see Rat posting about cleanups and repairs. But is there a scheduled date for it to open.
                              They don't have a set date for opening the gate. I was told they are shooting for late this year or early next year. The pipeline still need repairing which is hoped to be done in November.
                              SAVE JOHNSON VALLEY!!! - CLICK HERE
                              Ya Savvy?

                              Motech Performance

