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Kurt... I may have told you this before... but I am a good ol' Southern Boy... and growing up, my Grandpa (who I might add was a very very wise man) told us on many occassions a couple of pieces of advice...
1) "Never trust anything that can't reach out and shake your hand!"
2) "Never trust anything that doesn't have shoulders!"
Snakes give me a heeebbbeee gggeeebbbeee!
That's funny cuz I'm a suthun boy m'self, and me and Mr. no-shoulders get along just fine
My Tday holiday trip was long (3498 miles, to be exact).
Saw a lot. Did alot. ATE A LOT!
Albany OR. 5:30 am
When I was Knee high to a... I watched Evil Knevil try to jump Snake River in his rocket bike. I promised myself I'd go there some day. TADA! The exact spot where he launched from.
Ozzi sizin up the jump
Basalt columns formed in a lava tube. The were squeezed into a vent and cooled rapidly.
n the way to Stanley, ID. This is one of many bridges across the Moor Creek
Ice crystals all over the place
Ozzi went tearing out of the truck to go heard these guys. Problem? Hell yes. National park. BIG fine... No rangers were nearby thank you very much. Whew!
LAst but certainly not least, my ode to the Thanksgiving day turkey, SoCal plastic surgeon style. Nice breasts, ma'am..
Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP