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I'm going to need a ladder to get into the beast. I can't wait to drive it. Glad, I made that extra set of keys, so when Dennis gets it done and hides the keys I will have my own set.:wink::smile:
Now now,you know I never hide the keys,I pull the steering wheel.
Thanks Geebo,it's a lot a fun getting my Son in there wrenching till he has Popeye arms.
Got the front axle in
Just have to get new brake hoses(forgot those,DUH)and figure where to put the OX shifters.
Dennis and Tammy
Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!
Is the Jeep's weight on the rear end in this shot? The rear shackles seem to be pulled forward. Looks like it could be a problem if the spring pushes the shackle straight up instead of back.
Is the Jeep's weight on the rear end in this shot? The rear shackles seem to be pulled forward. Looks like it could be a problem if the spring pushes the shackle straight up instead of back.
Yeah,I noticed that and rocked it with me on the back and they went the right way.I called RC and talked to some rep and gave him the spring measurment,he said they were right and to expect 1 to 2 inches of sag when they get broke in.I'm going to leave the hard top on for awhile and run some whoops with it out in Fairview Valley.
Dennis and Tammy
Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!
Ok here is deal. I spent my whole day on Saturday driving 1st to Redlands 4wheel parts to get the brake lines, only to be told that they didn't have them in stock after I called first. So from Redlands I went to LA. I just wished the IDIOT at 4wheel parts gave me the right directions. Guess I should get a GPS.
Are the brake lines on yet???? nooooooo
Is the Jeep finished???? nooooo
Ok here is deal. I spent my whole day on Saturday driving 1st to Redlands 4wheel parts to get the brake lines, only to be told that they didn't have them in stock after I called first. So from Redlands I went to LA. I just wished the IDIOT at 4wheel parts gave me the right directions. Guess I should get a GPS.
Are the brake lines on yet???? nooooooo
Is the Jeep finished???? nooooo
I just wished the IDIOT at 4wheel parts gave me the right directions.
Theres your problem right there. The only time the employees at 4wheel parts havent screwed something in was the time i bought some deflators. I found them on the shelf and only had to deal with a drone to pay for them. Have you found a source locally? Worst comes to worst, check these guys out : http://www.crownperformance.com/jeep.html
Their factory is 20 mins away from me, and on the way. Have to bleed those brakes quick in the morning though :beer:
An XJ will always cost you less then any girl ever will, and you will always know when the spark is gone.
Went and picked up my steering linkage from Chuck(Dirtman)Sat. and what a deal.These links are from M.O.R.E. with heims ends and the drop arm already drilled,Thanks Chuck.
Got the front brake lines in,had to replace the calipers and brackets with later ones,and steering link in.Still have to mount the OX shifters and rear brake line...........DAMN WIND
Dennis and Tammy
Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!
LOL,you got me Chuck,I've been trying to find my camera.Got all the little crap done after work yesterday but on a test run got a death wobble.Man it was wild,so I have to figure out the alignment,anyone know what the caster should be?Hope to have pics of him tomorrow.
Dennis and Tammy
Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!
Camera is found,so here he is.Not fancy but I'm loven it.
Still have to figure out the alingnment,got to get me an angle gauge,but the parts are on.I still have to put on the winch,lights,rear bumper,and replace the POS shakles,but it took all the cans I could save to get this far.
Dennis and Tammy
Its as much fun getting dirty as it is being dirty in a Jeep!