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Gonna weld some nuts in place so it's easier to take stuff apart. Finish welding some other stuff, make a few flanges for the 2 bars I cut. Then the next round I'll flange the exhaust pipes.
Got the case halve clearanced, bearings installed, few more parts need some attention then clean everything and stick it back together
Sticking the transfercase together was a royal pain in the arse, but it's done. Nappy time Yeah.
Gonna see if I can juggle this ugly devil back in place tonight. Gonna be fun, it's heave, ungainly and where it goes is pretty darn tight. Also going in ya fight gravity. Shoulda flipped the buggy over lol
Nice progress for the day, got the transfercase stabbed back in place. Took a wee bit of Redneck engineering to pull it up rotate it, flip it and shove it home. Seeing that it weighs close to an Atlas it was a interesting proposal, that I was not looking forward too.
Best part was that it went in easier than it came out, that rarely ever happens!
All back together, loving that, welded all nuts that are hard to get too. Should make disassembly much easier and quicker.
Got my water fill thingy in the mail, will play with that next weekend.
Added a dohicky, for those days that you run out of hot air :-)
Good idea, Art. Did you test that little guy to see if it will re-seat a bead? I am also tight on space. I'd like to be able to use a smaller pump, in a pinch.
Tinker, tinker, looks like this top is there to stay, some half doors of whatever variety and it'll keep the weather out. Got it mostly mounted, needs a few strips and a pair of half door surrounds and it's done. Kinda surprising that it fits my taller roll cage as well as it does.