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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Thanks everyone. Sully, that is a mile marker winch (12,000 lb). I went with that cause I figured I'd be spending more time pulling out bigger vehicles (less capable than a Jeep) than pulling out myself. (if you can't get around em', you got to at least get em' out of the way). Sarah, I don't know how I got that Avatar in there like that....I must have pushed the right button somewhere (computer challenged), but it's there, so that's good with me!
Thanks everyone. Sully, that is a mile marker winch (12,000 lb). I went with that cause I figured I'd be spending more time pulling out bigger vehicles (less capable than a Jeep) than pulling out myself. (if you can't get around em', you got to at least get em' out of the way). Sarah, I don't know how I got that Avatar in there like that....I must have pushed the right button somewhere (computer challenged), but it's there, so that's good with me!
We all knew you could do it!
Welcome aboard, let's go wheelin!