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Please include the date of the trail run in your title. (We lost the cool plugin that did that with the upgrade :( Thanks!)
Thanks guys! Chuck, the rims were a big selling factor for Kalah. She actually likes how this thing looks so much that I'm supposed to get esthetic approval from her before I mount or add anything to it.
Thanks guys! Chuck, the rims were a big selling factor for Kalah. She actually likes how this thing looks so much that I'm supposed to get esthetic approval from her before I mount or add anything to it.
I had to stop and really think about this one for a little bit before it clicked... Yes, it is true. She actually got frustrated I put the MJR banner on without her approval prior. Haha. Oh well, she gave up getting a new car for herself for me to get this first, so I guess I shouldn't complain. Besides, I have absolutely ZERO style ability. If it wasn't for her I'd be attending weddings in Real Tree.
Congratulations! You will find the ease of not lifting kids in well worth whatever the pricetag was. Are you keeping the YJ? I think I'd have a nicer lawn if I could find a mower like that.
Congratulations! You will find the ease of not lifting kids in well worth whatever the pricetag was. Are you keeping the YJ? I think I'd have a nicer lawn if I could find a mower like that.
Thanks! I took it out yesterday and convinced the misses the stock Rubi sliders need to go and I learned a few lessons in lockers and breakover angles... I want to keep the YJ, but we'll see. Most likely we'll end up selling it. I want to keep it as a beater but the wife just sees that as a very expensive venture.
Thanks! I took it out yesterday and convinced the misses the stock Rubi sliders need to go and I learned a few lessons in lockers and breakover angles... I want to keep the YJ, but we'll see. Most likely we'll end up selling it. I want to keep it as a beater but the wife just sees that as a very expensive venture.
Take her to the Hammers point the Just Kidding at the biggest baddest trail there and tell her either the YJ stays or I am taking your Jeep through there really I am not kidding
Take her to the Hammers point the Just Kidding at the biggest baddest trail there and tell her either the YJ stays or I am taking your Jeep through there really I am not kidding
Great Jeep Chris. I like the fact that you said, your done building for a while. When I had my YJ all I wanted was a lifted Rubicon. Then I'd have it all. Then I got my Rubi, and I still wanted more. Why is it never enough. :dunno: Crongrats on a sweet ride. Keep they YJ! I see 4 linked, stretched, 1 tons, and 40's.
Great Jeep Chris. I like the fact that you said, your done building for a while. When I had my YJ all I wanted was a lifted Rubicon. Then I'd have it all. Then I got my Rubi, and I still wanted more. Why is it never enough. :dunno: Crongrats on a sweet ride. Keep they YJ! I see 4 linked, stretched, 1 tons, and 40's.
Thank ya! I wish I could answer why it is never enough, if I could I'd write some books and be wealthy. That's what I would like to do, but since this is exactly what I'd like to do the misses is forcing me into selling the YJ. Oh well.... The Rubi will probably end up on 40s before too long. We'll see.