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Hungry Valley 4-21-07

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  • #76
    HA! It was fun breaking it. Have'nt popped my dif cover yet but I'm sure the spider gears are toast. If anybody has any laying around they can donate I'd appreciate it. (D35)
    “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
    -Gen. George S. Patton Jr.


    • #77
      Sean lost a spring, but he replaced it and continued up the trail.

      If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


      • #78
        Boy oh boy, I guess I missed the carnage on the run back up Bouquet. Sorry to hear you guys had some breakage. I wanted to thank everyone for a great day on the trail. I had a great time, and enjoyed meeting y'all. Looking forward to another run soon. My buddy Mike took a bunch of photos, so I will try to get him to upload them to the site. Cheers!
        Quando Omni Flunkus Moritati


        • #79
          It was a fun run and I got to test out my winch and new syn cable. Great pics as always Russ.


          • #80
            Russ thanks for all your hard work. Photos, video, even a trail map, oh and driveline repair kit. It was great meeting everyone, and it was an awesome trip. My friend Chris took some pics, so I'll get those up when I can.

            Paul sorry to hear you got a tow home, I guess I left to early.

            Lets do it again sometime.

            1981 CJ7 '92 4.0L 35 BFG MTs, D30/D44, D300, ~6in SUA lift, etc...
            1978 CJ5 FOR SALE


            • #81
              Had a fun run. Great to meet all of you. Paul, glad you made it home. It seems to always be that "one more time" curse that gets ya. Russ, you're da Man! Looking forward to running with you guys again. Take care.
              Sandy Reshes
              95 ZJ Laredo
              05 Rubicon


              • #82
                Originally posted by paulhead View Post
                HA! It was fun breaking it. Have'nt popped my dif cover yet but I'm sure the spider gears are toast. If anybody has any laying around they can donate I'd appreciate it. (D35)
                Instead, why don't we all pitch in and buy you this for you:

                That oughtta make the trail "tank driver" ready! I think after using that machine on a trail any vehicle could make it at 65mph...
                If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Materdaddy View Post
                  Instead, why don't we all pitch in and buy you this for you:

                  That oughtta make the trail "tank driver" ready! I think after using that machine on a trail any vehicle could make it at 65mph...
                  HA! Thats funny. I'm curious as to how you found that listing. Planning on building a construction company out there?
                  “Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
                  -Gen. George S. Patton Jr.


                  • #84

                    Hey all. So here are some pics that Chris took. I used flickr, (photobucket and picturesync weren't playing nice). They are downsized quite a bit becasue flikr was being stupid as well. If you want one higher res, e-mail me or PM me and I can send it to you. I hope to get them on photobucket later. Anyways, here is the link.

                    1981 CJ7 '92 4.0L 35 BFG MTs, D30/D44, D300, ~6in SUA lift, etc...
                    1978 CJ5 FOR SALE


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by paulhead View Post
                      HA! Thats funny. I'm curious as to how you found that listing. Planning on building a construction company out there?
                      Haha, a co-worker was looking at some links a friend sent, including that one... as soon as I saw it, I knew I HAD to post it up... Just joking around with you Paul!

                      (one of the other links he was looking at was the best graffiti I've ever seen: HERE)
                      If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                      Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by paulhead View Post
                        HA! It was fun breaking it. Have'nt popped my dif cover yet but I'm sure the spider gears are toast. If anybody has any laying around they can donate I'd appreciate it. (D35)
                        I might have them - let me check my garage tonight.


                        • #87
                          Great run, Have some good pics to share, Thanks for the good time, and It was great to meet you,
                          06 UNL RUBI 4.5 LA,KM 2-35's/ 4.88 BEADLOCKS/SKIDS/WINCH
                          07 AT CHASER TRAILER


                          • #88
                            Extra Credit

                            For extra credit, everyone ran up this side hill:

                            Sean (Jumpjet):

                            Sandy (SandyR):


                            CJ (cjarnesen):

                            Brian (CJBrian):

                            Brian (ECV Jeep) had just installed an Atlas 4 speed transfer case, and this was its first test:

                            Chips (mrchips):

                            Wayne (OLD SKOOL K5):

                            Steve (SAR Jeeper):

                            Last edited by Russ Chung; 04-25-07, 07:51 AM. Reason: Fixed the link to launch the videos
                            If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                            • #89
                              After the extra credit hill, we continued up the trail. I was able to get all ten of the other rigs in this photo:
                              Patrick, black Rubi on the left alternate
                              Sean (Jumpjet), champagne WJ on the right alternate
                              Sandy (SandyR), white ZJ on the right alternate
                              CJ (cjarnesen), brown CJ-7 at the fork in the trail
                              Brian (CJBrian), silver Rubi Unltd
                              Brian (ECV Jeep), red CJ-7
                              Chips (mrchips), khaki Rubi Unltd
                              Wayne (OLD SKOOL K5), khaki TJ
                              Paul (paulhead), black XJ
                              Steve (SAR Jeeper), white TJ

                              We passed this abandoned red Toy:

                              The truck had been at this spot for several months. This is a picture of it that I took three months ago:

                              If you don't like the way I drive, stay out of the bushes!


                              • #90
                                I have those d35 parts if you want them, I acctually have a whole d35 sitting in my shed right now, I need to give the diff cover to Desert jewel, but you can have the guts... is yours open or limited slip?
                                :gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:

