The meeting place was the Carl’s Jr. restaurant in Gorman. We had excellent MJR participation in the restoration effort: Brian (BlkTJ), Sarah (Sarah), Rick (Rick), Chris (Dukes69), Tammy (Jeep Gal), Kurt (Rat Patrol), Dennis (Deamer), John (Cohuhol), Jason (Jason) and two of his sons, and myself (Russ Chung).
The plan was to spend the morning removing rocks that had fallen on the pavement during the winter, and filling in potholes until we got to the locked gate at the ruins of the Tumble Inn. We would stop there for lunch, and then after lunch, the organizers would let us through the gate and assign us culverts to clean out along the closed portion of the road.
The starting point was about seven miles southeast of Gorman, at the end of the county maintained portion of the road/start of the Angeles National Forest portion of the road. This is the convoy to the starting point:

As we reached areas of the road that needed work, a few vehicles would stop and begin the clean up, while the rest of us would continue to the next section of the road needing work.

Due to winter storm damage in 2005, the road is closed between the site of Tumble Inn to a point just north of Templin Highway. Forest Service repair crews plan to work on repairing this portion of the road this summer:

John (Cohuhol), Brian (Black TJ) and I were among the first to reach the site of the Tumble Inn:

There are a number of interpretive signs with historic photos that have been placed along the route.:

Jason and his sons are examining the ruins of the Tumble Inn while Kurt (in the brown MJR T-shirt) is looking for a rattlesnake that was reported to be in the area (he didn’t find it). Jason is standing where the arch was depicted in the historic photo.
