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Add me to checking it out also, Some of the guys from where i work will probably want to check it out also, Sent in my paperwork and $$$ monday.. so im good
04TJ, 4.0 5spd
4" rough country springs
Nth degree arms upper and lower
1" Currie MML/BL
Jc fab rockers & 1" seat lift
33"BFG MT's
Lock-rite in the front
Dont forget to stop by the Rock-It Man Booth to say HEY! And maybe grab some MJR and Rock-It Man stickers! We'll also have a bunch of Raingler Grips if anyone needs some of those. See you there!
Dont forget to stop by the Rock-It Man Booth to say HEY! And maybe grab some MJR and Rock-It Man stickers! We'll also have a bunch of Raingler Grips if anyone needs some of those. See you there!
Rock-it....you mean Turbo-City stuiff?
I like that store, just got a rear diff guard and high flow thermostat.
"A dark comedy about sexual addiction, chocolate pudding, religious relics and the Heimlich Maneuver."
Ive never been to TDS. Not into the mass crowd thing, but think I would like to check out at least once.
we head out on our own. so the crowds arnt really an issue. but it does get kinda crowded at night. I'm with you on the big crowds thing, but its still a good time.
Where else can you stop on the main road to turn left toward the registration joint and witness a V8 powered buggy haul ass out of a wash and smash into a saturn with a pregnant lady in it? TDS baby! Drunk morons... That guy was a tool - no headlights on the buggy and no brains in head. You have to be a little more aware of your surroundings at bigger events. You never know what someone else might do. That's the only part I don't like. Of course, the sand dunes on any major weekend make TDS look like podunkville, so we're veterans at the crowd thang.
Most of that is a lot of the Glammis crowd. They are starting to hit these events. Last year was the worst I have seen. This will be my 4th year, hopefully it won't be so rediculous this year.
Chis, you really should go. It is a fun time. Just the raffle is worth the money.
i go to this every year. it is my favorite sanctioned run, bar none. i dont even drink!
Well we know who the designated driver is now!!! :shout:
04TJ, 4.0 5spd
4" rough country springs
Nth degree arms upper and lower
1" Currie MML/BL
Jc fab rockers & 1" seat lift
33"BFG MT's
Lock-rite in the front
well, i dont plan on wheeling with anyone that is drinking on the trail, so...
well, you get the idea
drink all you want at the fire, just not in the line-up.
i do enjoy watching the nut cases get all crazy in the notch though.