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I added a pre-register reminder to the calendar ... if you're a procrastinator like us you can request a reminder for the event here in the MJR calendar.
everybody camps.
there are stores like thrifty markets within 20-30 minutes. show up prepared.
spare parts seem to be hard to come by, even with the thousands of people that are there.
there is food served.
there are a bunch of RV's out there too.
just bear in mind it is in the middle of the desert. there are no hook-ups.
if you dont have it with you, buying it is going to be expensive.
the trails are very off-camber. not much in the way of rocks. mostly things that will really twist your jeeps suspension, and high angle side walls, as well as climbs.
at night there is a lot of partying that takes place, [not me inparticular] at a revine where people get pretty crazy in their jeeps.
if you are bringing kids.. keep them on a leash. it can get crazy.
last year there were a few injuries from stupidity, and people that should join an aa meeting
otherwise it is a really great time. i wouldnt miss it. it is my favorite sanctioned 4wd run.
oh... one more thing. the majority of us do not join in on the "planned runs" we leave early, and make our own way. otherwise a green trail will take all day.