A few of us from another site are getting together on the 19/20/21st to run Sibly Mansion and C-gap.
The plan is to camp in the Mammoth area Friday night, up to the Mansion Saturday (short day), camp there w/ a big BBQ that night. in the AM, we head to Oracle to meet with the rest of the group (who don't want to camp the night before) to run c-gap, north to south.
The plan is to be off the trail mid-afternoon on Sunday, at the Catalina end of the trail.
The plan is to camp in the Mammoth area Friday night, up to the Mansion Saturday (short day), camp there w/ a big BBQ that night. in the AM, we head to Oracle to meet with the rest of the group (who don't want to camp the night before) to run c-gap, north to south.
The plan is to be off the trail mid-afternoon on Sunday, at the Catalina end of the trail.