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well, the run was fantastic!
it was a small group, consisting of 3 jeeps. rick, sarah, chris, tam and myself..
a wonderful time. we ran a couple of really cool trails, and at the end ran an un-named wash, which was brutle!
great fun!
pics will be up tomorrow... bed time for me now.
i'm beat! :shades:
Its know known as Eriks Gulch, aka Rattlesnake Gulch
We had a little run in with a rattlesnake while stacking rocks...heheheheh
We had a great time, that was some gnarly shit. I (once again) thought you two had lost it...I didnt think there was ANY way you two would get your Jeeps throught that!
This was one of the best we've seen since the Rubicon ... Brian, wish you could have made it. We started off with a few semi-difficult warmup obstables on the way to Rick's Wash. Dukes and Nailer got stuck a few times trying to take the hardest line of course! It was nice and warm, but not too hot.
After that we decided to try and find Pumpkin Eater. We're not sure if we did or not, but Rick found the v-notch toward the end. Some good pics came out of that! Not sure where the trail was supposed to go next, Chris lead us up a gnarly canyon-like thing, and Rick turned around! Chris and Erik climbed majestically over the couse of a few hours (ok, so it wasn't very majestic) and we appropriately named the trail "Erik's Birthday Wash." But because it's not a wash, we need a new name. Tam?! LOL. We started to head back at dusk.
A tradition has begun. Happy birthday Erik!!