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Al, If there is anything I can do to help on your tire pick up let me know. You have helped me out plenty parts wise in the past. How far south are you going? You can crash at my place if you need to.
I would like to schedule that canyon run at last chance soon. Maybe 4-6 rigs. Dont know what the turn around point is if it ends and there will be some definite winching down backwards if it's a no go through. I was thinking, you, Erik, chris, me and maybe brian. There will most likely be some body damage so I thought it would be best to limit the run to those that are willing and have hard lockers,low gears and 35's {we'll let chris come on 33's cause he thinks he know how to drive } others are welcome, but be prepared for scrapage. We dont know where this trail ends, and there are some pretty serious waterfalls that I would not even want to drive down {we will be winching down backwards} if the trail does not go through.
I'm up for it. Hopefully I'm heading to Blaine's to get my tires. Haven't heard back from him.
A little rain and miller wil be a hell hole,(just pray) there is also BC109-10 whatever, out here. Milller makes a great run for you to check out the "not so ready" for the big stuff runs. Its true it can be run in a stocker but it is a wake up cal for those not prepared with armour and safety equipment. I highly recomend it for the "what to do next" to my jeep bunch which we are showing a larger membership hre at MJR.And there is always yellowjacket for a minor chalange to the built rigs. Its come in one side and go out the other has always apealed to me, plus te 4x4 "park" if you want to call it on the gorman side. Labor day will have thousands of motorcycles on the easy stuff so be warry. They dont wash off like bugs with the pressure washer. Just a thought to our newere members that arent quite sure of the big stuff. Having just done last chance on a basically stock, (well) disconected Unlimited brought me back to the basics, I'm just going to skip the little steps like short arms and all that..
that is sounding pretty damn good. (we're still talking about labor day, right?) actually we could do rick's wash saturday early afternoon, and head out to calico after running achy breaky (on the way) and/or pumpkin eater in the later afternoon, and camp out at calico. now THERE's some wheelin for ya! (who's going to bring the projector??)
in case anyone didn't know, there is camping out by rick's wash, at stoddard valley, and at calico. let's cook up some beef!! also, fairview valley (rick's wash) has plenty of easier stuff if anyone doesn't want body damage
edit: this can also be nailer's bday shindig, ssssh, don't tell him
So is this the confirmed agenda? It may be a little far for me but I may still swing it. I think something like 130 plus miles from where I'm at.
“Lead me, follow me, or get out of my way. ”
-Gen. George S. Patton Jr.
So what is the plan is anyone going???? and where???? I should have the weekends off ??? I only been out once this summer getting ready to deploy to Irac SUCKS!!! but got the itch so I want to WHEEL!!