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Well I made it back into town early so Id like to go this weekend if you all have room for 1 more jeep. I thought Id come up friday night, those of you going up friday have any idea what time youll be at camp spot.
Well I made it back into town early so Id like to go this weekend if you all have room for 1 more jeep. I thought Id come up friday night, those of you going up friday have any idea what time youll be at camp spot.
Right on! There's so much room, no worries! There's a few of us that will be there around 6pm ish-630p. There's no camp "spots". You're in the canyon. It's just a big area. Sucks it'll be dark but we'll find each other. I'll keep my CB on Ch 4, so if you're close, I'll hear you.
Cool. thanks for directions sounds easy enough to get too, Ive been there once before so I have an idea of the area to meet you guys. Well, Ill see you all fri night. Jess.
Just want to say thanks to all that were there, Vanessa and I had a GREAT time. We are really looking forward to the next trip out to Calico; hopefully my son can join us on the next Calico run. Special thanks to JP and Russ for the great trails and mine explorations they took us through. I’ll post some pictures soon of the great times we all had.
Thanks again,
Bernie and Vanessa
BTW—Wow, who would have thought that the mild-mannered Russ was such a partier, you go Russ!
Had a BLAST. Can't wait for the next run... But this time, I'm bringing more than one bottle of "Honey".
The runs were awesome, the peeps were super cool and we had some interesting conversations around the fire . Don't remember all of them (not sure why)...
I sent you guys my photobucket link. I just put all the pictures there. Russ, I don't have your email address, but I asked Lori to forward it to you. I'd love to see how your pictures turned out.
I had a "moment" saturday morning myself. Went to turn her over and not one sound came out of her. None of the gauges worked..I was like" what in the world?" Had all the guys poking around and then Russ taught me an awesome trick about holding the button in on the odemeter and turning her over at the same time. It reset everything. Still don't know what the heck. But I was good to go and have had no problems since. Weird.
Trying to figure out where I want to go wheeling Jan 13th weekend....I'm off that Friday-Monday. There's some others that are up for it too...looking for ideas