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Indeed, I think we have missed each other on the passed few runs. Will have to get to Calico some time! Hows your jeep doing? Did you ever figure out what that knocking sound was under the floorboard? or have you just blocked it out of your hearing
We worked on it this past weekend..still haven't pinpointed the knocking yet..but hopefully will be closer to doing so after this upcoming weekend. Don't want to ignore it ya know. As for the runs..maybe next one!
Sounds like a fun trip Im gonna try too get out there to meet up with ya all. I wont know till the last minute though cause Ill be outta town and hopefully home on the 8th.
IH8RDS, you might wanna check bushings in front control arms, I had a knocking under floorboard that was driving me nuts for months and I finally I figured out thats what it was. I couldnt tell the bushings were bad till I removed the control arm but they were just bad enough to cause an annoying noise every once in awhile.
Sounds like a fun trip Im gonna try too get out there to meet up with ya all. I wont know till the last minute though cause Ill be outta town and hopefully home on the 8th.
IH8RDS, you might wanna check bushings in front control arms, I had a knocking under floorboard that was driving me nuts for months and I finally I figured out thats what it was. I couldnt tell the bushings were bad till I removed the control arm but they were just bad enough to cause an annoying noise every once in awhile.
Thanks...but I just replaced All the bushings like 2 months ago..and the knocking is in the upper engine..either valve lifter, spring, rocker etc...I am Praying I don't need a valve job. I just tried another oil change with stabilizer, but that doesn't appear to have fixed it. Didn't really think it would, but was hopeful Hope you can make it out. It'll be nice to meet you...Lorie
Thanks...but I just replaced All the bushings like 2 months ago..and the knocking is in the upper engine..either valve lifter, spring, rocker etc...I am Praying I don't need a valve job. I just tried another oil change with stabilizer, but that doesn't appear to have fixed it. Didn't really think it would, but was hopeful Hope you can make it out. It'll be nice to meet you...Lorie
Before you tear it apart, have you tightened all of the exhaust manifold bolts? The 2.5 is the parent motor of the 4.0 and those things love to shake the manifold bolts loose and the leaks sound exactly like a ticking lifter. Also check the lower collector area for cracks. Then put a 5.7 hemi in it and forget about selling it.
Before you tear it apart, have you tightened all of the exhaust manifold bolts? The 2.5 is the parent motor of the 4.0 and those things love to shake the manifold bolts loose and the leaks sound exactly like a ticking lifter. Also check the lower collector area for cracks. Then put a 5.7 hemi in it and forget about selling it.
Yep! The exhaust manifold bolts get checked after almost every run..and I just put a new one on, maybe 2-3 months ago. Maybe the Solenoid's wearing? Will make note of the lower collector area for Brett. She's going into the shop to get the front ARB leak fixed, so I'll have him check it out. As for the Hemi......you making that my early Birthday present?? If not, I hope I hit it in Vegas while I'm there for the next few days. Leaving tomorrow
I'm gonna try to make this trip. Will probably get a few buddies to come along. If it hasn't rained I may camp in the last circle of the camp ground to avoid some of the dust. Thats where I camped last weekend. It's just a short hop over the hill to your campsite from there.
I am going to be brining a couple 3 people down that way on the 10th. Not interested in doing the hard runs, Doran loop is all we are interested in doing as one of the rigs will be a stock rubi, maybe even two of them.
We can meet up with you on Sunday between 0930 and 1000 hrs, if you like.
I think me and two more will make it out there !!! looking at your roll bar pics I h8 it appears your dash bar is in up side down according to my instructions from rock hard the bend goes down for more viability but maybe you wanted it that way !!! Hope to see you all out there.