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FJs backing out. Hope to see you all on the trails another time!
Jeremy if you and Yota want to go as far as you can.... it's just that a couple of the canyons and Hammerdown don't have any bypasses and lockers would be a great + in these areas.
k ill just go as far as i can then head back just been itchn to go out plus ive been out with guys all locked up and they got stuck and i didnt its not how much equipment you got its how yo drive!!!!
Hate to say it but I gotta back out on this one. Need to spend time with my 3-year old nephew. I'm taking him fishing at the trout ponds in Mt Baldy for a few hours and then have to attend a graduation event in the evening.
Is this run just for the trailer queens or is there going to be easier stuff for some of the less capable rigs? I like to watch fred ,art and others tear it up but I want have fun too but dont know those easier trails as good as I would like. When and where you guys meeting?
Is this run just for the trailer queens or is there going to be easier stuff for some of the less capable rigs? I like too watch fred ,art and others tear it up but I want have fun too but dont know those easier trails as good as I would like. When and where you guys meeting?
A couple of us are going to meet up on Saturday morning to run through Bullfrog... You are welcome to join us.
"An army of asses led by a lion is better than an army of lions led by an ass" George Washington
Is this run just for the trailer queens or is there going to be easier stuff for some of the less capable rigs? I like too watch fred ,art and others tear it up but I want have fun too but dont know those easier trails as good as I would like. When and where you guys meeting?
The run will be suited for TJ's with 35's. It won't only be a trailer Queen run....but we'll send the "over the hill" - 40" guys on a couple of sections of their own.
Get your behind out of the house Beau and come play at the Buttes, your Jeep is more than capable for most of the stuff. You'll have fun with Ole Blue for a change
Get your behind out of the house Beau and come play at the Buttes, your Jeep is more than capable for most of the stuff. You'll have fun with Ole Blue for a change
Thats the plan! and 9ish sounds good to me. I forgot how to get there its been so long since I have been there. I know its camp rock road and the bear valley road. But not sure which way from there. How about GPS coordinates lol. Hey art, I might be calling you so i can dismount those tires and put them on the beadlocks.