no promises but im gonna try to make this.....
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New Cougar Buttes Trail
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Various CB trails.
[COLOR="blue"]I might be bringing another XJ, he's a new neighbor. His rigg is on 35's.
The run is only 1 week away!!! I think we'll spend all of our time in the CB's running the various side canyons, starting with a new little section and checking out a new "V" notch for the better equipped vehicles. Then maybe finishing the trails with a run through Hammerdown in the reverse direction.
This route should be all new stuff for most...except for Curtis. The weather will most likely be good, we had snow over the weekend and they say there might be more this week.
Looks like work is going to cooperate and let me go. See ya Saturday![CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000]Resistance Off Road
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Yea Fred might make it with those 42's but I don't know if he has enough horse power. Only seen it done by a V8 Buggy.IN A LAND OF FREEDOM WE ARE HELD HOSTAGE BY THE TYRANNY OF POLITICAL CORRECTNESS!!
Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!