Hey Folks... Who's attending the Hi Desert Round-Up this year? Let's have a huge contingency of MJR people camping together and winning the prizes!
May 27 - 30 at Anderson Dry Lake in Johnson Valley!
"The Hi Desert Round-up is a fund raising event for California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs Inc. The event is four days of off-roading, games, food and fun. The Hi Desert Round-up will now take place in Anderson Dry Lake in Johnson Valley. It is a popular fun-filled getaway weekend for singles, couples and families who enjoy camping, four-wheeling, playing games, winning prizes and just going out to relax away from the city. The terrain is from sandy to extremely rocky, from flat washes to monster hills so be prepared for some great four-wheeling fun!
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May 27 - 30 at Anderson Dry Lake in Johnson Valley!
"The Hi Desert Round-up is a fund raising event for California Association of 4 Wheel Drive Clubs Inc. The event is four days of off-roading, games, food and fun. The Hi Desert Round-up will now take place in Anderson Dry Lake in Johnson Valley. It is a popular fun-filled getaway weekend for singles, couples and families who enjoy camping, four-wheeling, playing games, winning prizes and just going out to relax away from the city. The terrain is from sandy to extremely rocky, from flat washes to monster hills so be prepared for some great four-wheeling fun!
[COLOR=#7c0a0c]Sign the Roll Call/View Up-To-Date Info[/COLOR]