Originally posted by 1 Bad F N Z
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Afton Canyon run
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Some say that if you listen to the little voices, you are open minded, if you answer them, you belong in a white padded room. I say, have a conversation!!
Originally posted by kirkandsylvia View PostThat would have been fun. We didnt even know we were going till Sun morning when the wife said "hey lets go look for Bonnie Keeblers grave site in Afton Canyon". Didnt have to twist my arm... :gun:...all over that trip. I have been itchin to get the cherokee out on a good trail run.
It wasn't a smart move with just the one jeep. I started to get a little nervouse. My Brother kept asking for a bottle of water and I kept telling him no, not until I find a road/trail. Worried if we broke down I'd have to rashin it. LOL
yeah.. to our disapointment, we did not find it. A guy here at work showed me on a map where to find it..better late than never.
The desert seems so tame till you are out in it by yourself...not so tame. After traveling Afton this weekend, we found ourselves kinda on the lonesome side out towards the trail that leads back to 15 and Razor exit. Since I had not been out there before, I was feeling a slight bit nervous myself. With GPS in hand, it wasnt too bad not to mention the occasional jeep passing by from time to time, and I know I was within walking distance to the 15 in worse case senario. Probably look for peeps to go that adventure again though.Some say that if you listen to the little voices, you are open minded, if you answer them, you belong in a white padded room. I say, have a conversation!!
Originally posted by kirkandsylvia View Postyeah.. to our disapointment, we did not find it. A guy here at work showed me on a map where to find it..better late than never.
The desert seems so tame till you are out in it by yourself...not so tame. After traveling Afton this weekend, we found ourselves kinda on the lonesome side out towards the trail that leads back to 15 and Razor exit. Since I had not been out there before, I was feeling a slight bit nervous myself. With GPS in hand, it wasnt too bad not to mention the occasional jeep passing by from time to time, and I know I was within walking distance to the 15 in worse case senario. Probably look for peeps to go that adventure again though.
Have you ever ran between Ludlow and Basin Rd? It looks like it might be interesting on the map? I don't know if it's a marked trail but I seen some 4 wheelers leave Ludlow and head that way awhile back.
Originally posted by kirkandsylvia View Postyeah.. to our disapointment, we did not find it. A guy here at work showed me on a map where to find it..better late than never.
The desert seems so tame till you are out in it by yourself...not so tame. After traveling Afton this weekend, we found ourselves kinda on the lonesome side out towards the trail that leads back to 15 and Razor exit. Since I had not been out there before, I was feeling a slight bit nervous myself. With GPS in hand, it wasnt too bad not to mention the occasional jeep passing by from time to time, and I know I was within walking distance to the 15 in worse case senario. Probably look for peeps to go that adventure again though.
Originally posted by Gary View PostLet me know when your going. My Brother and I are in the jeep heading somewhere every Saturday Morning.
Have you ever ran between Ludlow and Basin Rd? It looks like it might be interesting on the map? I don't know if it's a marked trail but I seen some 4 wheelers leave Ludlow and head that way awhile back.
I want to take a trip out to Baker and run some trials off 127 to the north. I hear there are tons of old mines and things to see out there. Might be a few weeks, but I will post up if we do.Some say that if you listen to the little voices, you are open minded, if you answer them, you belong in a white padded room. I say, have a conversation!!
Originally posted by 1 Bad F N Z View PostI'm not going to lecture anybody, but the desert is an unforgiving place. If your not in shape, and most are not, if you give the desert half a chance, it will do it's best to kill you. In the Cruiser I carry 5 gals extra gas, jackets, tent , tools, parts, and over 6 gal. of water, and MRE's. Knives, gun. When I go out by myself I let someone know where I'm going, and plan that I may be spending the night. If things don't work the way there suppose to. The weather can go from the 80's to the next couple of days to 120. Please always plan for the unthinkable. Kevin.
Thank you for the advice as that is always welcome in my book.Some say that if you listen to the little voices, you are open minded, if you answer them, you belong in a white padded room. I say, have a conversation!!
That's Kevins way of saying he is well equiped and that we should go out Jeeping with him! Good points Kevin.
Roger or Dave(flatpoint) are my safety nets. I always let one of them know where I'm going if I'm alone. Locations and GPS#'s. My neighbor Rick knows that I fly the flag on the front gate post when I'm Jeeping and if it is still out at dark he knows to call me.
Kirk, sounds like a good area to explore.
Originally posted by kirkandsylvia View PostDitto. I have spent many days out in the deserts of Baja south of Mexicali clear down to La Paz prerunning races. Always the fear of the unknown is the forethought and the survival gear is sure to be on hand. If by ourselves, a plan of our trips is given to close friends or family and the projected time to be returning. I have been known to dwell on the route and trying to plan an escape plan so to say in the unlikely event things go south. With that being said, we have been successfull in finishing our trips.
Thank you for the advice as that is always welcome in my book.
in the old days, that water crossing was nothing but mud and tules.....too easy today
you took your fan belt off and full throttle trying to get through it..sometimes you made it, sometimes not.
your tires would gum up from the mud
Not a lot of fun to hook up the strap in knee deep gumbo, stinking black mud...oh,the good ole days...
1 Bad F N Z, Great post.
Your right the desert can be very unforgiving. A post like yours can never be posted enough. It should be in huge bold print on every off road forum.
We always make sure someone knows where we're going and we carry a lot of tools, extra gas, food & water The last thing this fat boy wants is to be walking in a 120 degree heat with no water or survival gear..
If we're out there with just the one jeep we never go further out than we're prepared to hike back out. I've actually been conditioning myself for a worst case scenario like this. While jogging on the tread mill I kick my right foot up every so often. My right foot is one of my motivational tools for anyone with me that tries to give up in a situation like this.
All of the solo trips we take by ourselves are planned to keep us close to major highways. We always know exactly where we're at. Going into the desert unprepared can cost a person his or her life.