Sully: Do not ever key down any radio without an antenna or dummy load attached. The radio is designed to work against that load. Keying down will result in blowing your finals.
As suggested above, get a tunable antenna if possible. The Missus and I find the Firestik's to be cheap and common. I find though that they usually are a little short even with the screw all the way out. Having said that, we get SWR under 1.4. Get thee to Radio Shack and get a SWR meter or I'll bring one along for the next ride.
As suggested above, get a tunable antenna if possible. The Missus and I find the Firestik's to be cheap and common. I find though that they usually are a little short even with the screw all the way out. Having said that, we get SWR under 1.4. Get thee to Radio Shack and get a SWR meter or I'll bring one along for the next ride.