[COLOR="Blue"]I had a couple of days off in between jobs, so the boys and I decided to do an over-nighter to the Eastern Sierra's. There were a few trails we've been wanting to check out.
This ended up being a very successful run. We started in Lone Pine and went up as far as Bridgeport.
The trails were:
- Reward Mine - (the mine to beat all mines)
- Coyote Flats Trail
- Copper Mt. Loop Trail
- Dunderburg Lake Trail
- Summer's Meadow Trail
- Tamarack Mine Trail
- Lundy Lake
- McGee Peak Trail
All trails have an A+ rating. (IMO)
This was a great backcountry adventure getting off of the main roads and going back into the interior of the Sierra's. The only breakage was 3 rootbeer bottles all over the floor....BTW don't open the bottles above 10,000 ft...you'll have to clean sticky off the roof, seats and your face. Total 3 1/2 rootbeers.
Since it's vacation season, these trails might be an alternative to HIKEING in the Sierra's.
I can PM you locations.
BTW the McGee Peak trail has a "extreame caution warning"........you need to turn around at the 2 mile mark from the start of the switchbacks or face the risk of getting stranded. We turned around at 2 1/4 miles, and I'm still shaking. One leg of the switchbacks narrows greatly and is at a 20 degree off camber (to the ledge side) loose, steep, rocky section. There was no sign there telling you to turn around, and you can't back up. But other than that it's an awesome trail.
Links to slideshows
# 1
Deadmans grade - McGee Peak
Reward Mine
Coyote Flats Trail
Mill Creek - Lundy Canyon
Lundy Lake
Lundy Lake
Dunderburg Peak
Mono Lake
Dunderburg Lake Trail
Bridgeport Lake from Tamerack Mine
This ended up being a very successful run. We started in Lone Pine and went up as far as Bridgeport.
The trails were:
- Reward Mine - (the mine to beat all mines)
- Coyote Flats Trail
- Copper Mt. Loop Trail
- Dunderburg Lake Trail
- Summer's Meadow Trail
- Tamarack Mine Trail
- Lundy Lake
- McGee Peak Trail
All trails have an A+ rating. (IMO)
This was a great backcountry adventure getting off of the main roads and going back into the interior of the Sierra's. The only breakage was 3 rootbeer bottles all over the floor....BTW don't open the bottles above 10,000 ft...you'll have to clean sticky off the roof, seats and your face. Total 3 1/2 rootbeers.
Since it's vacation season, these trails might be an alternative to HIKEING in the Sierra's.
I can PM you locations.
BTW the McGee Peak trail has a "extreame caution warning"........you need to turn around at the 2 mile mark from the start of the switchbacks or face the risk of getting stranded. We turned around at 2 1/4 miles, and I'm still shaking. One leg of the switchbacks narrows greatly and is at a 20 degree off camber (to the ledge side) loose, steep, rocky section. There was no sign there telling you to turn around, and you can't back up. But other than that it's an awesome trail.
Links to slideshows
# 1
Deadmans grade - McGee Peak
Reward Mine
Coyote Flats Trail
Mill Creek - Lundy Canyon
Lundy Lake
Lundy Lake
Dunderburg Peak
Mono Lake
Dunderburg Lake Trail
Bridgeport Lake from Tamerack Mine