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Isham Canyon


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  • Trail Run: Isham Canyon

    A few folks are headed to Isham Cyn on Saturday. None of us have tried the trail before, so anyone with experience that wants to join us or offer advice, it would be welcome.

    We are leaving Rancho Cuacmonga at 7:30 - 8:00am, so we expect to be in Trona by 11am. We will stop for gas at the T-Max. That is probably the best meeting place for anyone interested in joining us (There are only two gas stations in Trona, T-Max is the one furthest north on Hwy 178).

    The trail is difficult. Vehicles going on this run should have at least one locker, very high clearance, recovery points, and repair parts. Body damage is said to be likely, so at least a mild disregard for your paint should also be required

    Here's a vid that someone else took of the trail:

    If we get through the trail in good time, we plan to explore some other trails near-by.

    I have finally stopped drinking for good.
    Now I drink for evil..... :devil:

  • #2
    I ran isham 3 or 4 times. Very difficult. 2 lockers recommended. When you get to the v notch/water fall, climb the wall on the passenger side until your driver side rear tire is clear of the notch and the go hard driver. If you don't do this you won't make it.

    I wish you would have posted this earlier. I would love to do it again, but this time in my samurai.
    1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


    • #3
      Trail Report - Part 1

      Isham Canyon ROCKS!

      Dirtman13, Rat Patrol, 50YJ, and I (Malachi) made the 2.5 hour trek to the Trona area to explore the infamous Isham Canyon. This canyon is part of the Escape Trail of the misfortuned 49ers that gave ‘Death’ Valley it’s name. The very name of the canyon comes from one of the party that died soon after passing through the canyon: William Isham.

      Senator Feinstein and the California (keeping you from your PUBLIC) Wilderness Coalition are planning to close this trail to motorized use (See the Land Use - ‘Inyo County…’ thread), so we went to explore this challenging trail and to see a piece of American history before it is stripped from us. (Okay..., a bit melodramatic so I am stepping off the soapbox…)

      On the way to Trona, the views were spectacular:

      When we got to Trona, we got gas and headed about 6 miles north of town to the Valley Gravel and Sand quarry turn off. The gravel road out to the trailhead is wash-boarded but not too bad compared to the nastier wash-board roads over the mountains in Death Valley. The turn off to the left for the Isham Canyon trail is easy to miss, but it follows a wash up and away from the valley floor:

      The trails starts to narrow until you reach a small ledge that signals that the real fun is about to begin. If you haven’t aired down yet, you will want to do so here:

      The view back towards the valley gives some insight of the views to come:

      Many trails have a gatekeeper that sets the tone for the trail ahead. This trail doesn’t have one. The obstacles get harder as you progress. After the little ledge, the trail quickly gets technical:

      This is a great intro as to how tight and technical the trail will be:

      It only gets tougher:

      There are LOTS of tight squeezes:

      And several tilty spots:

      Dirtman13 decides to shortcut one of the tight squeezes:

      But the exit can not be shortcutted!:

      There are no by-passes except for one area. We all took the non-by-pass line and found that the passage was more than a little tricky. Yes, your eyes are not playing tricks on you…the rock is INSIDE my window!:

      I got by, but it did not get easier:

      Sergio found a cool line at this point:

      To be continued........

      I have finally stopped drinking for good.
      Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


      • #4
        Trail Report - Part 2

        Isham Canyon ... Continued

        As usual, there was lots of air-time for Chuck - go figure:

        With a tire off the ground, he found that rock walls add balance:

        But at a price:

        Sergio (50YJ) came close to a similar fate:

        The Rat Patrol finds a cool and far less damaging line:

        We suddenly found ourselves at a wall of rock at least 5 feet high:

        This climb is followed by the infamous V-Notch. In this pic, Kurt is at the base of the 5 foot ledge:

        Rat Patrol coming up the ledge:

        Chuck made it through the V-notch spectacularly (video coming soon), and then got stuck on a tough extra credit line. While we worked on freeing him, the girls posed for a great self portrait:

        Even though the V-Notch is the last big obstacle on the trail, the rock garden above is no mild passage:

        The last hill climb is deceptive. The audience at the top was impressed with our climb - thank goodness for lockers!:

        Even if you really hate being challenged by the obstacles and are bored by the constant threat of body damage, the view at the top is worth the trip!:

        We made it to the so-called ‘easy’ Fish Canyon Escape Trail and headed down to the monument:

        The views of the Panamint Valley are stunning!:

        The Escape Trail (ET) is how the unfortunate 49ers, that lost many of their party in ‘Death’ Valley, escaped to safety:

        To Be Continued.......
        Last edited by Mike; 01-04-09, 04:16 PM.

        I have finally stopped drinking for good.
        Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


        • #5
          Trail Report - Part 3

          Isham Canyon...Continued....

          Chuck stopped to pay homage to those that passed before:

          We took the Fish Canyon Wash up to the monument for the Silent Sepulchre - YES, even though it doesn’t look like it, this is a legal trail and is it marked by the BLM:

          The Silent Sepulchre:

          Another plaque recognizing the efforts of a true patriot of American History, Rev. Collard:

          A view from the foot trail to the Fish Gravesite:

          The 'easy' trail back to the pavement:

          So is this a Jeep advertisement or what?!:

          We had a wonderful view of the sunset while airing back up to head home:

          Halfway home I noticed that the Jeep was bouncing more that usual on the rear passenger side. After getting home, I found that the shock mount had sheared away. Too bad I didn’t notice this while airing up, because Chuck just got an On-Board Welder from Santa that he could have tried out. Oh well, I guess I’ll be welding this back on my own soon:

          I know that I always say this, but it is always true… I had a great time with great friends! I am looking forward to going again.

          All of my pics can be seen at this link:

          This is a great trail and I hope that it will be open for your children’s children to tackle. But the chances are slim unless people push to keep it open.

          If you think that your Jeep is ready for this kind of trail, then you need to go do this. It is a wonderful trail that is also an interesting piece of history.
          Last edited by Mike; 01-04-09, 12:17 PM.

          I have finally stopped drinking for good.
          Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


          • #6
            WOW! What a great bunch of pictures and just a really cool detailed story of your run ..Thanks it was way cool!!!
            "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


            • #7
              Great job on the report! I need to do this one.

              Better To Burn Out Than To Rust Out!


              • #8

                As always, another outstanding trip report and great photo's. I am happy that everyone made thru safely. Looks like a fun trip for you "hard core" types!



                • #9
                  I take it there was no time for "Secret Canyon"? It looks like a blast! I'd say you guys got to hang it out by the looks of your shock mount! Nice report and Pics! Wish I could have gone!
                  Best, Max7
                  "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                  • #10
                    Mike , thanks for the awesome report and photos. I know you guys had a blast! the looks ' Mr Green ' had a bitch'n time too!!


                    • #11
                      Looks like a wonderfull time and very nice challenges
                      Cool pictures, maybey move the lower shock mounts behind the rear control arm mount gives it more room under the axle, the stock location sticks out like a sore thumb


                      • #12
                        WOW Fabulous pics and report.
                        Over 2500 hours donated to the San Bernardino National Forest. Life member of CA4WD, CORVA & BRC. Tread Lightly Trainer. Reforestation Supervisor. CASSP


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Max7 View Post
                          I take it there was no time for "Secret Canyon"? It looks like a blast! I'd say you guys got to hang it out by the looks of your shock mount! Nice report and Pics! Wish I could have gone!
                          Best, Max7
                          Unfortunately, we didn't have a lot of time left after the run. We had a few troubles along the way that needed repairs, and Chuck found a way to get badly high centered for a while (imagine that!).

                          We'll have to plan a special outting for the 'Secret Canyon' trail.

                          I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                          Now I drink for evil..... :devil:


                          • #14
                            It's a nice trail. The V-notch has spanked me twice, dare I say... third times a charm. Yeah, Jeeping is life.

                            All slow and no show


                            • #15
                              Video Clips

                              Here are some vids of the group crawling through the V-Notch. I couldn't host Sergio's climb on Photobucket, but I am working on a YouTube version that will include his run.

                              Mr. Green finally gets up the steep ledge:

                              And then through the Notch:

                              Chuck (dirtman13) makes it through with style!

                              Rat Patrol's turn:

                              The last hill is steep and loose. It is not an easy climb:

                              I have finally stopped drinking for good.
                              Now I drink for evil..... :devil:

