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We will leave Del Taco, and go up the hill right there, and then ride ridges over to the hill that overlooks where HDR sets up, and then drop into that 'canyon' right there. We will prolly be on CB ch4 like everyone else, so it should be easy to find us. I don't remember which loop we hit first, achy breaky or pumpkin eater.... But really this is going to be as free-form as they go....
:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
Sorry all take me off the list I have to go to Mammoth lks to recover a truck up there ,Palentologist are great at digging bones but really bad at off roading he blew up the trannie
Looking forward to this run as well. Work duties have cancelled my couple of days camping at the beach next week. :mad:
But, I'll be there ready to have a good time.
Maybe I'll be able to get to see some Perseids this weekend which peak on Tuesday.