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Frazier Park


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  • #16
    OK guys, Is there a definite plan yet?? now I see some area,s are closed..and are you guys in the valley/Simi leaving here and caravaning up there or just eveyone meet at Flyin J? Really hope to make this run ..Calico was great but I didn,t get to meet as many as I would have liked to, but I remembered their rig,s from photo,s on Kodiak Spirit and Crash but I don,t remember meetin, probably did though was fueled up in the evening..LOL..Let me know what,s up OK Josh..Thanks Geeb..
    "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


    • #17
      ok I called them too late. I will call tomorrow to see what is open. BC109 is up there as well as the mount pinos trails we usually ride. We can also try the back way to frazier mine road. I am pretty sure there will be some trails open.
      Ford Raptor 6.2l


      • #18
        Hey Josh and Rick . . . What do you guys think the trails we ran last time are like now? I'd imagine the snow is gone by now, but then again we were just up there what 3 or 4 weeks ago and some of those spots were a couple feet deep . . . if there is anything left, it'll probably be ice mixed with mud like a :poop:slurpy! Better make sure you've got a couple winches That reminds me, I need to pick up a couple D Rings for my new bumper!
        That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


        • #19
          hey, could a stocker tag along with you guys??:cone::geek::cone:
          David aka Mr.[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Orange[/COLOR]
          I think it's my turn for a bailout....what do you think?


          • #20
            no we dont want an orange rubicorn with us.....:omg:
            Ford Raptor 6.2l


            • #21
              fine, I will put the tarp on it....
              David aka Mr.[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Orange[/COLOR]
              I think it's my turn for a bailout....what do you think?


              • #22
                Originally posted by Mr. Orange View Post
                fine, I will put the tarp on it....
                LOL. of course you can come with us. It will be like old times only your still small. Anyways you can winch us all out with that fancy winch you got on the front.....
                Ford Raptor 6.2l


                • #23
                  I dunno joe after seeing the final pics of your jeep are you sure you want that yukie stuff on it?maybe we should bring two tarps LOL..... Yeah, I'm good to go.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Mr. Orange View Post
                    hey, could a stocker tag along with you guys??:cone::geek::cone:
                    Are you referring to your Jeep or yourself? Can't believe you'd ask such a question!
                    That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                    • #25
                      Hey are 97 TJ,S allowed on this run or is it strictly Rubi,s?? LOL,yep Joe your new rig is gonna get perty dirty I think..Geeb.
                      "A man who fears suffering,is already suffering from what he fears"!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post
                        Anyways you can winch us all out with that fancy winch you got on the front.....
                        I'd rather's merely for decoration...

                        Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post
                        LOL. of course you can come with us. It will be like old times only your still small.
                        Oh, and I'm still longer than you...
                        David aka Mr.[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Orange[/COLOR]
                        I think it's my turn for a bailout....what do you think?


                        • #27
                          [QUOTE=Mr. Orange;99996]I'd rather's merely for decoration...

                          A decoration. Now who would mount a winch for decoration?

                          So what's up Dave. you gonna go?
                          Ford Raptor 6.2l


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Tomb Raider 940 View Post

                            So what's up Dave. you gonna go?
                            I don't see why not....Just don't let me do anymore 'rock pivot turns'
                            David aka Mr.[COLOR="DarkOrange"]Orange[/COLOR]
                            I think it's my turn for a bailout....what do you think?


                            • #29
                              I have been watching the thread, but still not sure where you guys are planning on going, What trail are you going to run?
                              06 UNL RUBI 4.5 LA,KM 2-35's/ 4.88 BEADLOCKS/SKIDS/WINCH
                              07 AT CHASER TRAILER


                              • #30
                                Hey Joe whats the names of those trails we were on last time. the hill one and the others in that area. I cant find that map we got from the ranegr station.
                                Ford Raptor 6.2l

