[COLOR="blue"]I have been doing a little homework on what the 4x community can do to help keep the OHV trails open in the SBNF.
Greg, the SBNF OHV co-ordinator has given some effective ways we can be involved. The main way is to attend the AAT meetings in Corona and find out what issues are happening in the NF. If some might want to make regular attendence, then post the news and what the forum can do would help tremendously.
As far as the Cleghorn issue is concerned, there was a long public responce period that no one responded to. Apperantly not too many knew that there was a public responce period. Greg said the info was discussed at the AAT meetings.
Below is the responce to the Cleghorn and the other federal road closures issues that have just been completed. This is from the "horses mouth".
I think any responce to the NFS should be done with courtesy and respect. We do have the right to state our concerns and opinions, but if done respectfully it will yeild the best results.[/COLOR]
Hello Mike.
The closure work that has occurred across the main divide of the SBNF is the implementation of the Forest Travel Management Plan. This was a five year process that included open house sessions and a long public comment period.
The preferred alternative was posted in the LA Times, Orange County Register, local TV and every media outlet we have access to.
The maps of this prposal were posted on our SBNF website over a year.
We did NOT receive any appeals to this decision. Amazing from my perspective!
We DO discuss these issues in-depth at the Adopt-a-Trail meetings.
Yes ARRA (American Reinvestment Restoration Act) monies were used for private contarctors to complete these projects.
All changes will be reflected in the revised MVUM (motor vehicle use map) due by August 2010.
In your previous message, you asked two questions; How can the 4x4 community comment now? By contacting District Rangers-Gabe Garcia Front Country and Scott Tangenberg Mountain top Ranger District.
And How can the 4x4 community stay abreast of changes and upcoming comment periods?
Any 4x4 enthusiast can attend the quarterly Adopt-a-Trail meetings held at Corona Sizzler. Or adopt a road or trail.
I take questions from anyone who is attending.
The next meeting will be held on August 18. Dinner at 1800 meeting at 1900.
I am here to represent the 4x4 Community. Please feel free to conatct me anytime.
Thank you,
[COLOR="Blue"]This is a responce from the SBNF OHV Co-ordinator to a friend that posed the same question,[/COLOR]
CLEGHORN - It was recently asked why Cleghorn was bulldozed and recieved large rocks along the west end. This is a response from Greg.
"...these actions are the result of a Federal requirement to create designated motor vehicle routes on every National Forest in America. Unfortunately, off-highway vehicles are listed as one of the top ten biggest threats to damaging National Forest Lands. Not one of the 'bypasses' on Cleghorn were ever designated as a legal numbered route.
As you may know, some of the unauthorized routes (bypasses) on Cleghorn have been blocked and slashed with brush. Some of the bypasses that were not blocked will become legal, designated, numbered roads.
This effort is part of the SBNF travel management decision. All of the designated routes should be reflected in the final SBNF Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). Using American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) dollars, the contract restoration equipment and crews started this project on the west side of the forest and worked east of Big Bear."
[COLOR="blue"]And a follow up responce.[/COLOR]
ARRA is presumably complete!!! For any other concerns regarding future trail closures, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is supposedly complete. Other information will be provided at the meeting.
Greg, the SBNF OHV co-ordinator has given some effective ways we can be involved. The main way is to attend the AAT meetings in Corona and find out what issues are happening in the NF. If some might want to make regular attendence, then post the news and what the forum can do would help tremendously.
As far as the Cleghorn issue is concerned, there was a long public responce period that no one responded to. Apperantly not too many knew that there was a public responce period. Greg said the info was discussed at the AAT meetings.
Below is the responce to the Cleghorn and the other federal road closures issues that have just been completed. This is from the "horses mouth".
I think any responce to the NFS should be done with courtesy and respect. We do have the right to state our concerns and opinions, but if done respectfully it will yeild the best results.[/COLOR]
Hello Mike.
The closure work that has occurred across the main divide of the SBNF is the implementation of the Forest Travel Management Plan. This was a five year process that included open house sessions and a long public comment period.
The preferred alternative was posted in the LA Times, Orange County Register, local TV and every media outlet we have access to.
The maps of this prposal were posted on our SBNF website over a year.
We did NOT receive any appeals to this decision. Amazing from my perspective!
We DO discuss these issues in-depth at the Adopt-a-Trail meetings.
Yes ARRA (American Reinvestment Restoration Act) monies were used for private contarctors to complete these projects.
All changes will be reflected in the revised MVUM (motor vehicle use map) due by August 2010.
In your previous message, you asked two questions; How can the 4x4 community comment now? By contacting District Rangers-Gabe Garcia Front Country and Scott Tangenberg Mountain top Ranger District.
And How can the 4x4 community stay abreast of changes and upcoming comment periods?
Any 4x4 enthusiast can attend the quarterly Adopt-a-Trail meetings held at Corona Sizzler. Or adopt a road or trail.
I take questions from anyone who is attending.
The next meeting will be held on August 18. Dinner at 1800 meeting at 1900.
I am here to represent the 4x4 Community. Please feel free to conatct me anytime.
Thank you,
[COLOR="Blue"]This is a responce from the SBNF OHV Co-ordinator to a friend that posed the same question,[/COLOR]
CLEGHORN - It was recently asked why Cleghorn was bulldozed and recieved large rocks along the west end. This is a response from Greg.
"...these actions are the result of a Federal requirement to create designated motor vehicle routes on every National Forest in America. Unfortunately, off-highway vehicles are listed as one of the top ten biggest threats to damaging National Forest Lands. Not one of the 'bypasses' on Cleghorn were ever designated as a legal numbered route.
As you may know, some of the unauthorized routes (bypasses) on Cleghorn have been blocked and slashed with brush. Some of the bypasses that were not blocked will become legal, designated, numbered roads.
This effort is part of the SBNF travel management decision. All of the designated routes should be reflected in the final SBNF Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). Using American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) dollars, the contract restoration equipment and crews started this project on the west side of the forest and worked east of Big Bear."
[COLOR="blue"]And a follow up responce.[/COLOR]
ARRA is presumably complete!!! For any other concerns regarding future trail closures, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is supposedly complete. Other information will be provided at the meeting.