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CONGRATS CHRIS & TAM!!! I'm sorry for responding SOOOO late! My life has been just hectic as hell!
Tam...I am soooo happy for both of you two. I remember IMing with you, all about both our issues back soooo many years ago about our ex's. I remember you BLASTING me when you thought I was nixing on selling Chris my jeep back when I lived in RI & remember talking to Chris on the phone & meeting his wonderful cousin & her boyfriend when they were describing my Jeep "rust" to Chris.
Like said before, you guys are meant for each other & anyone who knows or have met you 2 can see that!
Congrats again!
'04 Solar Yellow AEV HEMI Rubicon
'05 M3 ZCP SG/IR
We're thinkin along the lines of casual wedding (of course, Chris WILL be wearing shorts), catered by the In N Out truck...or something along those lines
hey if you get catered by In-N-Out I can cook your burgers! I have been there almost 5 yrs!
[COLOR="Sienna"]97 TJ, 4.0 5spd, 3.5" Rock Krawler 5 inch stretch long arm, 30/44 locked with 48s, 35 inch MTRs, Warn 9k rock track 4:1, Vanco Big Brake Kit![/COLOR]
Congrad s , wish you both the best , lets see a wedding parade of all jeeps that sounds like a lot of fun ,with boulders tied to back end with straps instead of coke cans ,