My wife called and started to ask about the longspring kits I had read about online. The guys there informed her that someone named "Sullivan" had called previously to inquire on behalf of a guy they had met on an internet bulletin board (blog) that owns a 74 CJ5, who is currently in Iraq. Now... I'm no rocket scientist (for sure) but I figured this may apply to me.
I thank whomever it is for looking up the info for me! My wife is going to get a money order on Monday and mail it out to them for the package. It wont be here in time for the AAT run in August, but maybe the next MJR even soon thar after. (yes, I said 'thar')
Thank you Sullivan, whomever you are!
p.s. I inquired already to the Sully that I've seen around a lot... wasn't him. But I still dig his user pic.
I thank whomever it is for looking up the info for me! My wife is going to get a money order on Monday and mail it out to them for the package. It wont be here in time for the AAT run in August, but maybe the next MJR even soon thar after. (yes, I said 'thar')
Thank you Sullivan, whomever you are!
p.s. I inquired already to the Sully that I've seen around a lot... wasn't him. But I still dig his user pic.