Picture if you will...
A quite Monday evening...Chris on his laptop in the familyroom, me in the den on my desktop.
Suddenly...out of the blue...I hear Chris screaming...f'in GD c-sucker. sh!t...MOUSE ! I hear a bit of scuffling...Chris telling Zoe to get it! get it!
After several moments...I see Chris hot on the trail of the little guy...running past the den, both of them doing a slide on the vinyl...The mouse runs under the closet door.
Chris throws open the closet door, and the contents of the closet get tossed out one item after another after another...
Once again...the mouse dances around his feet while Chris tries to smash him with an old crutch
He gets away, and runs for the Laundryroom...safe for the moment...under the washer/dryer.
Finally, I decide to get up to see what all the hollering is about. This is what I see:
(excuse the poor stitch)
(NOTHING left unturned or moved)

Mouse 1
Chris 0
A quite Monday evening...Chris on his laptop in the familyroom, me in the den on my desktop.
Suddenly...out of the blue...I hear Chris screaming...f'in GD c-sucker. sh!t...MOUSE ! I hear a bit of scuffling...Chris telling Zoe to get it! get it!
After several moments...I see Chris hot on the trail of the little guy...running past the den, both of them doing a slide on the vinyl...The mouse runs under the closet door.
Chris throws open the closet door, and the contents of the closet get tossed out one item after another after another...
Once again...the mouse dances around his feet while Chris tries to smash him with an old crutch

Finally, I decide to get up to see what all the hollering is about. This is what I see:
(excuse the poor stitch)
(NOTHING left unturned or moved)


Mouse 1
Chris 0
