So I get home from work, check the mail and find a letter from the management company of my apartment complex.
"Sorry to hear of the recent events..." or "Regarding your recent request for installing bars on the window..." were possible topics I thought I'd find inside.
not even close.
instead it read...
Dear Brian,
Enclosed you will find a copy a bill in the amount of $112.63 for the replacement of the broken window in your apartment. Please remit $112.63 to clear up your account.
Please remit payment to: Blah Blah Blah (address of the a$$')
(the a$$')
What a frigin' joke. First off, nice proof reading.
Secondly, if I pay a dime for that window, it goes with me when I move out. We'll see how they like that one.
"Sorry to hear of the recent events..." or "Regarding your recent request for installing bars on the window..." were possible topics I thought I'd find inside.
not even close.
instead it read...
Dear Brian,
Enclosed you will find a copy a bill in the amount of $112.63 for the replacement of the broken window in your apartment. Please remit $112.63 to clear up your account.
Please remit payment to: Blah Blah Blah (address of the a$$')
(the a$$')
What a frigin' joke. First off, nice proof reading.
