Hey Folks... with the current disaster events, social protests and uprisings, and the like taking place around the world, I am really interested to hear what you all are doing or are planning to do to prepare yourself and your families should/when anything/something like this happen(s) to us.
I am starting to prepare us for as many things as I can think of to prepare for...
I am breaking our list down into a few categories... These are not in any particular order...
1) Food Supply
I have spoken to and emailed with as many "experts" as I can find on this topic. I am finding recommendations that range from a 72 hour food supply to a 1 year food supply. What are you all doing? How long do you think would be enough?
I have reviewed many websites and reviewed many longterm food supply products and offerings. Freeze dried foods seem to be one of the more popular recommendations... the "just add water" option. I am finding a lot of companies offering canned supplies as well. My concern here is that the canned supplies I find are in #10 cans or 5/6 gallon buckets, these are pretty large cans/containers and usually contain more than a day or two supply of meals... I question how those would be preserved for days and/or transported once opened while maintaining their purity, consistency, and integrity.
A couple of the sites I have been reviewing are:
What sort of foods are you storing? rice? wheat?
2) Water Supply
Probably one of the most critical and underestimated need we will have is water... both drinking and for sanitary purposes... Water does have a shelf life. The differences in opinion about the shelf life does surprise me a little bit. I am finding that experts say it's shelf life is anywhere from 30 days to 6 months to 1 year.

3) Fuel Supply
I know we will need fuel for our vehicles... those that survive a disaster. But we will also need fuel for fires, stoves, heaters, etc.
Do you have any plans, resources, information you can share on this topic?
Anyone have experience with portable solar energy?
4) Personal/Family Protection
Firearms... What are your recommendations here? Handguns? Automatic or revolver? Why? Shotgun vs. Rifle? Why?
From what I have been able to read, a quality handgun is an absolute must! I have read that a revolver might be more reliable than an automatic... true? I don't know... I am no expert on guns.
5) Shelter
Should something happen to your house... What are your plans for shelter? RV, tent, tarp, all of the above?
6) Communications - Before/During/After
I have a CB in my Jeep and one ready to install in my RV and another for my truck... CB radios are pretty much "line of sight" right?
I know there are a lot of folks on here who are HAM radio users... What affect, if any, would a disaster have on HAM operation? Do HAM radios require the use of the towers? I am a novice on this subject and would appreciate learning more.
What about two-way radios?
7) First Aid/Medical
We have what I call the "First Aid Kit to beat all"... that being said, I know that we don't have everything in it we could possibly need but we do have a lot of stuff. I am fortunate enough to be married to someone whose work/job/career focuses on the safety space and she has leveraged that experience and knowledge to build out our kit. What are some of the absolute must-have's that you have in your kit that most may not have thought of?
8) Supplies
When I think of this category, I think of things like a radio, batteries, blankets, bleach (for sanitation and cleaning), clothes (outter wear, underwear, shoes, etc.)...
I apologize if this topic is boring... or if you think it is irrelevant... but, I have learned a great deal from the members of this board and value the opinions shared here (well, most of them...). Any insight, opinions, knowledge, experience you could share with me would be helpful and appreciated and might be helpful and appreciated by others here too.
I am starting to prepare us for as many things as I can think of to prepare for...
I am breaking our list down into a few categories... These are not in any particular order...
1) Food Supply
I have spoken to and emailed with as many "experts" as I can find on this topic. I am finding recommendations that range from a 72 hour food supply to a 1 year food supply. What are you all doing? How long do you think would be enough?
I have reviewed many websites and reviewed many longterm food supply products and offerings. Freeze dried foods seem to be one of the more popular recommendations... the "just add water" option. I am finding a lot of companies offering canned supplies as well. My concern here is that the canned supplies I find are in #10 cans or 5/6 gallon buckets, these are pretty large cans/containers and usually contain more than a day or two supply of meals... I question how those would be preserved for days and/or transported once opened while maintaining their purity, consistency, and integrity.
A couple of the sites I have been reviewing are:
What sort of foods are you storing? rice? wheat?
2) Water Supply
Probably one of the most critical and underestimated need we will have is water... both drinking and for sanitary purposes... Water does have a shelf life. The differences in opinion about the shelf life does surprise me a little bit. I am finding that experts say it's shelf life is anywhere from 30 days to 6 months to 1 year.

3) Fuel Supply
I know we will need fuel for our vehicles... those that survive a disaster. But we will also need fuel for fires, stoves, heaters, etc.
Do you have any plans, resources, information you can share on this topic?
Anyone have experience with portable solar energy?
4) Personal/Family Protection
Firearms... What are your recommendations here? Handguns? Automatic or revolver? Why? Shotgun vs. Rifle? Why?
From what I have been able to read, a quality handgun is an absolute must! I have read that a revolver might be more reliable than an automatic... true? I don't know... I am no expert on guns.
5) Shelter
Should something happen to your house... What are your plans for shelter? RV, tent, tarp, all of the above?
6) Communications - Before/During/After
I have a CB in my Jeep and one ready to install in my RV and another for my truck... CB radios are pretty much "line of sight" right?
I know there are a lot of folks on here who are HAM radio users... What affect, if any, would a disaster have on HAM operation? Do HAM radios require the use of the towers? I am a novice on this subject and would appreciate learning more.
What about two-way radios?
7) First Aid/Medical
We have what I call the "First Aid Kit to beat all"... that being said, I know that we don't have everything in it we could possibly need but we do have a lot of stuff. I am fortunate enough to be married to someone whose work/job/career focuses on the safety space and she has leveraged that experience and knowledge to build out our kit. What are some of the absolute must-have's that you have in your kit that most may not have thought of?
8) Supplies
When I think of this category, I think of things like a radio, batteries, blankets, bleach (for sanitation and cleaning), clothes (outter wear, underwear, shoes, etc.)...

I apologize if this topic is boring... or if you think it is irrelevant... but, I have learned a great deal from the members of this board and value the opinions shared here (well, most of them...). Any insight, opinions, knowledge, experience you could share with me would be helpful and appreciated and might be helpful and appreciated by others here too.