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GPS Marking EVERY Front Door in America?


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  • #16
    Common Sense

    "There is a foul odor resonating from the current regime in Washington DC and most Americans can smell it."

    Some have a poor sense of smell, some will choose to hold their nose, some will close their eyes, some will stand up and fight to save this Country.

    It is still our freedom in America to speak. This right is protected by the first amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America.

    It is not conspiracy theory, it is reality. The Acorn/census with GPS in hand was at my door yesterday as well. "This is silly. I can GPS mark your front door with Google Maps." But, you are not doing that, the White House is. I do not believe what this administration is doing here and with other policies is lawful. Are you giving them the right to do this? I am not, I believe it is unacceptable. "...doesn't mean they can't do it." Where does it state that the government can do it? I shall continue to question this administration. I do not feel this administration nor the President is above criticism or the supreme law of our Country (Our Constitution).

    Unless we do something we will witness the largest case of gerrymandering in this Countries history. We need to prevent the White House from taking control of the census and prevent Amnesty, or you can say hello Dictator Obama. With all of the rapid fire Anti-Gun Bills being introduced I would say this administration will continue to misuse highly advanced methods of information collection to continue to form a strategy for the disarming of America in order to usurp power and gain absolute control.

    Look around, the first step to every other Country with a dictator was to Nationalize the banks. What is happening in OUR Country right now! They are Nationalizing the banks, and everything else. Why won't the government let the banks that wanted to pay the loans back, pay them back? The government has controlling shares of these banks now, they have control. The Government absoulutely should not be in business. This Countries founders believed that,"...their basic task was to devise a government that would be strong enough to secure our rights against domestic and foreign opperession yet not so powerful or extensive as to be oppressive itself... all power in short, comes from the people." Preface to the Constitution-

    "Do you really think they have the time, manpower, or energy to watch every single household in the United States? Really?" Tenth paragraph: "ACORN signed on as a national partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in February 2009 to assist with the recruitment of the 1.4 million temporary workers needed to go door-to-door to count every person in the United States..." They made the time, they now have the technology and this administration is spending your money on it. I did not vote on that, did you?

    Calling someone paranoid is an attempt to categorize them. Life is more complicated than that. We have the freedom to question and need checks and balances in government, something our current administration lacks. Unless you believe in the paradox, "If a man sets out to achieve nothing, and does nothing, [then] he has achieved what he set out to do." then we ought do something rather than nothing.

    "...a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT" Thomas Paine-

    The article was authored by JB Williams a writer for the Canada Free Press it was not authored by Alex Jones. Here is his original article:

    Recycle aluminum... don't wear it.

    Best, Max7
    Last edited by Max7; 05-01-09, 09:46 PM.
    "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


    • #17

      You are on the right track. If people are so naive, check out the rules behind calling for a "Pandemic". They have called for this and are watching the reaction. Can quarritine, can use military to contain and secure the public, can use any force nescessary to relocate, can conficate any and all weapons from the public...... It is scary. this is something that can and might be done. Wake up and be prepared.


      • #18
        Why would they use GPS when they already have the street address?


        • #19
          Originally posted by DesertHare View Post
          Why would they use GPS when they already have the street address?
          [COLOR="Sienna"]I'm TOTALLY kidding, but two things I can think of don't use street addresses... Satellites and Cruise Missiles.

          I'm just SAYING!!!:hide:[/COLOR]
          [COLOR="darkred"]"Death Smiles at Everyone... Marines Smile Back."
          Adopt-a-Trail Member.[/COLOR]


          • #20
            Originally posted by DesertHare View Post
            Why would they use GPS when they already have the street address?
            To have computerized records of all your sort you out...

            This administration is actively pursuing things like: "The Recovery Act computerized medical records that will help to reduce costs and improve quality while ensuring patients’ privacy."

            Here is a reality - the begining: "The Energy Detective (TED) the electricity usage monitoring device that transmits the data to the internet. Viewers can watch a family's electrical use at any time." Sounds great! Save, while conserving, amazing!

            What if the Government controlled "TED"? And the "Detective was working for the government? Welcome to the The "Smart Grid" brought to you by the D.O.E.


            Smart Grid is another expedient of control, a way for the government to invade further into our lives and forcibly bully liberal and “green power" consumption moratoriums.
            Our excessively oppressive Government will use this technology or variation of it. For example a new digital active / passive home meter to control your energy consumption. " can't keep your house at 72 degrees all the time."Obama-


            The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution states: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

            This administration is seizing your rights.

            The frog is very warm.

            Best, Max7
            "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


            • #21
              So when do I get my mark of the beast?
              That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Schmo View Post
                So when do I get my mark of the beast? [/



                Best, Max7
                "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                • #23
                  Fu@k that . . . an ID card . . . that's totally lame. It's the Mark of the BEAST for Christ's sake. I'm holding out for at least a bar code on my neck or something cool!
                  That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.


                  • #24
                    My front door coordinates are (in UTM):
                    11S 374014 mE by 3783879 mN

                    If you google street view me, you'll even see my Jeep in front.

                    If it'll keep the JW's away, then so be it!


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by USMC 0369 View Post
                      [COLOR="Sienna"]I'm TOTALLY kidding, but two things I can think of don't use street addresses... Satellites and Cruise Missiles.

                      I'm just SAYING!!!:hide:[/COLOR]
                      So true!!! lots of missle systems as well as the military use GPS to mark a target!

                      Scary Stuff! :hide:

                      "I got your Jeep Thing....Now it burns when I pee!" :fire:


                      • #26
                        You're just upset because the voices in my head only talk to ME!


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Old Fart View Post
                          404... If they forgot to pay the domain name fee... I'm gonna buy it. LOL
                          Best, Max7
                          "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                          • #28
                            Can you say PARANOID????? I'm glad I don't get worked up over this crap. If they want, I'll send them gps coordinates of my living room. I don't care.
                            1994 Toyota, dual cases, 5.29 axles with ARB's


                            • #29
                              Calling someone paranoid is an attempt to categorize them. Life is more complicated than that.
                              Will you send them your gun if they ask for that as well? When do you start to care? After your rights are gone?
                              Respectfully, Max7
                              "Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!" - Benjamin Franklin


                              • #30
                                Am I the only one that thinks they could already have this info, just in different form? When I bought my house, the title report showed all sorts of property boundaries with exact dimensions, showing all easements, structure dimensions, etc. I have a feeling with all the data the county/city have, they could already do this, it's probably easier (and cheaper) to pay some dunces to go push a button on a GPS than it would be to map the data they already have.

                                Is this only because I don't live out in the middle of the desert? Don't they keep track of property boundaries, structures, etc. out there too?

                                Max, while I agree with you on your point of labeling paranoia (ask Sarah, we've gone back and forth a few times about this, but she educated me a bit...) this GPS mapping isn't the fight I care enough about. This hasn't crossed *my* line to fight yet, but I applaud your passion for standing up for what is ours and what you believe in!
                                Last edited by Materdaddy; 05-04-09, 08:54 AM. Reason: Clarity... tone...
                                If we aren't supposed to eat animals, then why are they made out of meat?


                                Truth is treason in the empire of lies. -Ron Paul

