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The best is to check with the DOJ or a licensed assault weapon dealer. Even "AR-15 style" rifle made by other manufacturers can still be illegal in CA. Bushmaster makes a "Post-Ban" one that renders it legal in NY, NJ, CT, and MA... But still illegal in CA.
Thats the worst thing you can do. The DOJ will tell you all Ar-15 style rifles are illegal. The DOJ only wants Military and Police to have "assault weapons". The "licensed assault weapon dealer" where I live says all AR's are illegal in CA unless you registered it before the ban. When I told him I just bought a Smith & Wesson M&P15 with a bullet button a few months ago he told me. "Your now a felon and and will go to prison if you get caught".
Erik, your best bet is to continue research on the calguns Site. From what I read the only way you can bring in a DPMS is if it has no reference to panther on the lower, and I hear only their older a-15 lowers fit that description.
Definitely read the descriptions when searching gunbroker. A lot of out of state people won’t sell to CA. The out of state FFL dealers have to register with the CA DOJ in order to ship to CA. A lot of them don't want to go through the hassle even though it only takes less than 10 minutes. Or they don’t want to be in CA's database.
You need to find a CA FFL dealer that is OLL friendly and will accept the AR. Make sure to be very clear of what you want to transfer. I have read on Calguns where dealers refused to finish the transfer because of certain features and they sent the gun back. If I remember right the gun has to be made CA legal before it ships or be completely stripped. Some dealers might modify it before they transfer to you. The best thing is to find the local FFL dealer and ask them for their policy.
04 TJ
RE 4.5 Long Arm
Rock-It Man Rockers
33x12.50 BFG A/T
desert racing stripes, creased oil pan, and a new shiny transmission pan.
i spoke to a salesman at my local Turners Outdoorsman, and he said it would be no problem provided the gun had the bullet button installed when it showed up and magazine was 10 rounds.
still looking for the right one.
in going through the listings on gunbroker, did you see any that caught your eye?
That's a nice setup, I have been looking online for stuff for my AR and they have the takedown pins with larger heads so you can pull them out easy, and they have some with rings so you can pull 'em and rock the upper forward to load the mag without removing it. I got the bullet button as well, but I like the option. If someone in a uniform asks how you load the thing, you can pull the pin and rock it forward and reload without removing the 'fixed' mag. it answers alot of questions without complications...
:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
Sweet! We are going to have to get a MJR shoot together in the future. My coworkers and I went last weekend. I got to shoot a S&W 460 magnun and a .50 cal Desert Eagle and numerous others. We had 18 different guns that we shot all day.
Kodiak, when they CA configured my S&W they put the extended pin in. I don't like the one with the ring, to me it just doesn't look right.
I have my Double Star lower reciever all slapped together with a Stag Arms 6 position stock, Bullet Button, 10/20 mag and an Armalite parts kit. The fit and finish is awesome! I am on the hook for a Stag upper reciever, allready paid and everything, just waiting to see what brown can do for me...
Oh and I have the 9,999 .223 rounds sittin' here ... waiting to break that chrome lined bastard in...
:gun: my rifle is not illegal, it's just undocumented... :gun:
well, i am progressing on this thing.
i have an order in now on an upper from BCM.
i have done a lot of research and decided on this Bravo Company Machine upper in the mid-length gas variety.
it is 16" barrel.
here are some of the specs.
he new BCM Complete Uppers will offer these Mil-Spec Features:
Mid-Length Gas Systrem
Genuine Bravo Company Mfg Bolt Carrier Group M16
Milspec Double Heat Shielded Handguards
Milspec Forged Charging Handles
in my research, i have found nothing but good reviews of these uppers.