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very very awsome, i esp love the color compliment. i have a dream, when i finish building my jeep up i am getting the whole thing painted a solid color, everything. it will be magnificent. you'll see one color with some black tires. i'm going for candy something, yellow or orange maybe.
very very awsome, i esp love the color compliment. i have a dream, when i finish building my jeep up i am getting the whole thing painted a solid color, everything. it will be magnificent. you'll see one color with some black tires. i'm going for candy something, yellow or orange maybe.
I like your idea because it is also something I would like to do. I know for some its silly to paint a Jeep thats just going to get beat the chit out of in the rocks but a solid color Jeep would look so sweet! I'd probably stick with the stock color as I like it a lot.
Thanks all for the comments, was a pain in the arse to mount those things (I'm sure the next set of tire will be a tad easier). I just hope all that work pays off in the rock