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Goodyear MTR w/ Kevlar

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  • #16
    In the beginning they look ok, but once you run them on rocks some, they look like crap


    • #17
      I see what you mean. Can't u just then scrape the smeared white off after it becomes like that? Would it be difficult or just to try and sand it off.
      Last edited by InlandZJ; 01-08-11, 11:18 AM.


      • #18
        Point is that there is a big white ring underneath the black


        • #19
          Thats strange. So really they are buffed out white walls under the black?


          • #20
            Pretty much


            • #21
              Do you have a closer pic, i want to see that back wheel or the worst one up close.
              No offense) but are you sure that it did'nt transfer from the letters and on to the black area? I need to look into that from Goodyear. Thanks


              • #22
                Don't have those tires anymore,but trust me there is white underneath. Will look through some pictures later.


                • #23
                  Here ya go


                  • #24
                    Yes i see it now you're right. but are those the old style MTR's? I went out too study mine tread pattern looks different from the old ones you had.
                    thanks for the pics. You were wheelin those tires pretty good.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by aw12345 View Post
                      Here ya go

                      [COLOR="Blue"]I'm sure that's what my tires will be looking like before long.[/COLOR]


                      • #26
                        Yup Mike, I know you get some use out of your Jeeps. It doesn't hurt the tire, it just looks a bit less than desirable


                        • #27
                          Has anyone that had the old style MT/Rs that is now running on the new kevlar MT/R noticed an increased noise level? My old MT/Rs weren't too noisy at all and their highway howl was pretty minimal. Not so my kevlar MT/Rs, those suckers are pretty darned noisy and the highway howl is really something. Not like some of the mudders of course but wow, I gotta say that my daily driver TJ is getting to my ears since I got on the new kevlar MT/Rs.
                          The Geezer Jeep:


                          • #28
                            Running Black Out

                            I switched over to the Goodyears after a couple of months of research. It took over three weeks just to get through to a Manager on the design team at Goodyear. He informed me that if I am going to use the tires off road most of the time that I can run them either way. The close tread blocks were designed to mount directly over the "hub flange" for better on road manners. The Goodyears are quieter and handle better than the Coopers that they replaced, I would definitely buy them again. By the way, the Goodyears run tall so the 33 is about 1" shorter than some of the so called 35s out there. (that ought to get some comments!)


                            • #29
                              My new Kevlar's are really quiet on road. No roaring sound


                              • #30
                                [COLOR="Blue"]So far from what I've seen on the trail is that the new MTR's /w kevlar don't chunk as much as the previous one's.

                                Most everyone so far has liked them. For me a strong sidewall is a must.

                                I've been running the Pro Comp Extreme MT. They've worked excellent in every condition, but they want over $1000 for a set un-installed...I'll shop around..[/COLOR]

